The Book of Revelations
There was a time, not too long ago, when I would dismiss The Bible as a book that was generally fictional; however, there was one section in the New Testament that seemed to come up for me time and time again. That is The Book of Revelations.
Back in the 1980s, one of my cousins, a Jehovah’s Witness, asked if I would be interested in joining a Bible study session. I told her that I didn’t believe in it. She said that she was not looking at what had happened, but more about the signs of the Book of Revelations being fulfilled.
I shrugged and dismissed it. After all, The Jehovah Witnesses had often predicted the end of the world.
No Religious Dogma
As mentioned, I’m not religious. In fact, I can’t follow any organized religion. My Guides were unquestionably adamant that it would block my Path. It most certainly would have.
In spite of not believing in anything back in those days, one thing kept resurfacing for me from 1984 onwards. It was the number 666.
As I’m not a Christian, nor have I ever read The Bible, I had no context. Nevertheless, I somehow inherently knew that it was not a good number.
Soon enough, I heard that it was the number of The Beast. Once again, another thing that I dismissed as fantasy.
Warning Probability
I began to notice that triple six would come up every few weeks, and often in clumps. The number itself would appear several times in the same day and continue to show up in some form over the course of a week, or even a month.
And always, it meant some bad thing was coming or a psychic attack was imminent.
Things would go wrong in clumps. By that, I mean, there would be a comedy of improbable errors that would occur all at the same time. These were things that never would or should go wrong.
One triple six by itself was no cause for concern. It was when the number started to appear three or more times that I took notice.
Eventually, I understood that the number itself was not a cause of what was going to happen, but a warning to me. If it was organic, such as part of a sequence of numbers, like a serial or bill number, I wasn’t worried.
Psychic Attack Imminent
If they appeared with no connection to each other, then I took note.
More often than not, the 666’s would just appear as part of larger numbers.
But from time to time, it would just be those three digits. I called them, “Pure triple sixes.”
If they came repeatedly, it meant a serious attack was about to occur.
As a side note, it was said that the original number was six one six, but I believe that was a deliberate error at the time and was corrected.
I don’t believe that the number itself is inherently bad. It’s where it comes from, and what it represents, is what you may call evil. (Also remember, good and evil do not really exist in the greater reality. They are relative to who you are, and to each other.)
It’s fair to say, that since the early 1990s, I have seen clumps of triple sixes come up more times than I can recall. Even while writing this entry, I have seen it appear several times.
Every time, it has indicated a problem, a hard time, the end of a era, major inconveniences, or just a pain the ass, in general.
But, what exactly is it? What does it represent? I’ve seen much speculation on the meaning over the years. Regardless, is there a solid answer?
To the latter question, I can say: Yes, there is.
That is what the next entry will be about.
Next: The Number of The Beast
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