221 – What if I can’t meditate.

Meditation as a Skill

One of the things that was drummed into me, as I was starting, in earnest, on my path, back in 1984, was that to progress spiritually, you must meditate.

Many different sources, some from books, some from people, would repeat this to me over the years.

The message was always the same. If you don’t do it every day, you will never make spiritual progress nor develop your psychic powers and abilities.

It seemed that the bottom line was: If you don’t meditate, you will not get very far.

I decided, it was in my best interest to learn this skill.

Read more: 221 – What if I can’t meditate.

My Personal Meditation Space

It was suggested that one should create a personal space that was dedicated to meditation. A little alcove was deemed to be ideal.

As synchronicity would have it, a large sized playhouse, made out of cardboard, was being thrown away at work. I felt it was perfect for my needs, so I asked if I could take it.

The playhouse was up in a private area and used it as my meditation space for a while.

I also ended up with a meditation cloak Those are intended to shield you from outside energies. It was made for me because, at the time, I was playing Dungeons and Dragons. An annual event was coming and as I played a cleric, a cloak with a hood was made for me.  It was made from a material perfect for my meditative needs.

(As a side note, I eventually stopped playing D&D when I started to notice that the lines between fantasy and real life were blurring, and it was no longer the escapism I had come to enjoy!)

My Failure to Meditate

Try as I might, I could never settle and meditate. When I tried, I just felt myself thinking, this feels like a waste of time, and I could be doing something more productive.

As the years wore on, I tried all the techniques I could find. I visited places that offered to teach you and read books on the subject.

But my efforts were in vain. No matter how much I practiced or tried, I simply could not do it.

All I felt was an energetic discomfort as I focused on my breathing. I wasn’t feeling any shift in my consciousness, nor did I feel any improvements due to what I was doing.

Personal Observations

This bothered me for many years until I started to make some personal observations.

My abilities were growing anyway. I was starting to develop abilities and skills that were said to only be gained through dedicated practice and meditation.

One of the goals of meditation is to have control over one’s thoughts and quieten your mind. However, I’ve noticed that I can do this naturally.  For decades, I have observed my own thoughts and random “noise” appears to be absent.

I put part of this down to the effects of Bach Flower Remedies, but it’s always felt natural.

Someone, who claimed that he could read minds and sense thoughts, remarked that I had the quietest mind he had ever come across.

Another reason to meditate is that it’s good for health, and a sense of wellbeing. I can’t say that helped me. But Bach Flower Remedies did.

There are many reasons to meditate, and those who do it can no doubt come up with them.

However, there was one thing I noticed about those who did meditate. It didn’t seem to improve them spiritually. They were still assholes. They still indulged in their dramas and they were no less jealous and spiteful of their spiritual peers.

Meditation May Not Be for You

While I couldn’t meditate, I did notice that I was doing a conscious contemplation. This was on a regular basis. I could do it anywhere. Walking, working, at a concert, at the movies…

The timing didn’t matter. I was not only getting information that I needed on the fly, but working on my soul evolution, knowledge, communicating with my guides, and finding my inner peace and calm.

I came to the conclusion that meditation is just one way to reach your goals.

It’s not the only way.

If you can’t do it, it does not mean you will never progress. Find your own method. Do what feels right for you.

Don’t let some snobby, so-called guru, insist that their way is the only way. It’s not.

You do you. Because that is the best way forward… for you.

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2 years ago

Love it
thanks for helping me so much and thanks for this great post. you put into perspective what i*ve felt about meditation for me for a long time, it certainly helped sometimes but i didn’t need it that often for my progress

barbara penner
barbara penner
1 month ago

Well this is really interesting because I have also heard the same thing regarding meditation was the best way to grow spiritually. To me It sounds like you already had the natural ability to sort of control your “monkey brain”. The majority of humans suffer from “monkey brain” and you seem to already have the natural ability to sort of take control more than most people so in my opinion, that is why you were progressing regardless.
I still do believe that meditation is the key to achieve a higher level of consciousness. As you stated meditation will not look exactly the same for everyone. Thank you for this amazing reading.

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