217 – Human Bodies and The Gaia

Moving Forward

The next four entries are important to me. They focus on The Gaia, the denizens of this world, and the soul contracts that everybody agreed to when they came here.

It’s important to understand that this is not just some frivolous fantasy or something I came up with on my own. Dozens are involved. All that I say here (and have said in other entries) has been independently confirmed

With The Triquerta disbanded, the  playing field is changing and responsiblity now falls to the denizens of this world.

I consider these entries to be of great importance. Please share them. What you do now may impact everything moving forward.

Body and Soul

Long time readers of this blog will know that I’ve mentioned several times that the body and the soul are not the same thing.

The body is the vessel that can be inhabited by a soul.

Because the body and a soul can merge so perfectly, they act as one. It is difficult for someone, who is unaware to believe that they are separate from the body they inhabit.

So difficult, in fact, that many will deny that it’s even possible.

They will state there is no such thing as a soul. That astral travel, or out of body experiences are the product of a delusional mind and because they haven’t experienced it, no one else has either.

Read more: 217 – Human Bodies and The Gaia

The Gaia Matrix

Despite what may be believed by others, bodies are a separate entity to the soul.

The body is what give us experiences that we would find difficult to have without them.

It provides emotions, pleasure, pain, amazing feats of creativity and endurance. The body allows the rapid evolution of one’s spiritual growth.

The human body is part of the matrix of this world.

It is part of The Gaia who is the soul of this planet. Or what many call “Mother Nature”.

The matrix of The Gaia is complex. It has many levels. On the physical dimension, that which we call the 3D, we have all the fauna, flora, minerals and bodies.

Everything we see is part of Her matrix, including our human body.

The Fae of The Gaia

This is important to understand because it is only the body that is native to this planet. The soul, that part of which is You, originates from another place that has no connection to The Gaia’s matrix.

Nearly everyone is not native to this world. But there are exceptions. The best known are what we call nature spirits.

Generally known as Fae, they include faeries, dryads, fawns, pixies, and the many other types of Beings that are thought to be fantasy or mythological. These Fae are part of The Gaia’s matrix. They exist on the astral planes, looking after the world and tending it on an energetic level.

They may also choose to incarnate into a human body.

These particular Fae are the ones with the absolute right to be here. They are the children of The Gaia.

But what about the souls that are not part of Her? The ones that originated elsewhere. (In other words, were not organically borne of The Gaia’s energy or matrix.)

Where Do Other Souls Come From?

Generally known as Starseeds or Otherkin, the souls that are not native to this planet, originate on the astral levels. They are aspects of Source (from the Realm of the Absolute) that choose to enter this realm (Realm of The Relative) for the purposes of experiencing themselves.

When someone tells you they are a Starseed, it’s akin to saying I am a human. Nearly everyone is a Starseed!

Which brings up an interesting, and rarely understood point.

The right to be here on Earth, that everyone seems to take for granted?

That’s not a right at all.

Soul Contracts

The Gaia has granted all souls permission to merge with Her matrix so they can experience life in this amazing and varied environment.

Souls have been free to come and go and incarnate as they desired for a very long time now.

But, there is a catch.

Before incarnating, all Beings agreed to at least a couple of soul contracts. And these are still active.

Recently, I was reminded of them and what they are.

This will be discuss this next entry.

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2 years ago

You’re insight is amazing.. I often wonder how the Gaia maintains her composure with all that inhabit her. Look forward to reading more.

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