213 – I Was Summoned By The Celestial Council

Drawing By Carolena Pagatpatan

Being Summoned By The Astral Celestial Council

In entry number 202, I made a brief mention of how someone tried to steal my title. I was, in fact, summoned by what many refer to as The Celestial Council. A body of Beings that pass judgement on others.

I wrote: “Your clumsy attempts to steal my title did not work. I’m sure you knew that would be the case, but you went ahead and tried anyway. All you did was draw my attention to your tribunal, and I’m sure they are not too happy about that.”

There happened to be two attempts with two different councils. I thought I would talk about the first one.

Awakened From A Dream

One night, I believe around March 2021, I was in the middle of a dream.

Most dreams I don’t remember, or if I do, they tend to fade quickly.

This one was different though.

At around 1:30 a.m., I was dreaming I was attending an opera or something along those lines. (I will hasten to mention that in this life, I’m not really drawn to such things.)

I was in the stalls, with a group of people, when the music stopped and everything suddenly went white.

It was enough to wake me up. I can count on one hand the number of times that has happened to me.

The Celestial Council

I sat up in my bed and did a quick scan and wondered if I was under attack. I got up for a few minutes and waited for things to settle.

Eventually, I understood that someone or something had attempted to summon me.

I trace the energy lines (which is one of the methods one can use to see what is really going on) and found they went to a council. I later identified them as The Celestial Council.

Even though, at the time, I wasn’t quite sure exactly who it was, I felt this was a high ranking council body that most took very seriously.

This wasn’t the first time I’ve come across such bodies, and normally, in my Mind Travels, I would take my time to find out what was going on and take their measure.

However, this time, I was not in any mood to play games. I felt that events in the astral were starting to move, and they were moving quickly. Time was no longer a luxury I had.

I also had the sense that this council had a lot of power and not much of a sense of humor.

Answering The Summons

I decided to answer the summons (which I could have ignored), and Mind Travelled there to deal with them.

It only took me a few moments to arrive. I will admit that I may have stormed in their chambers. I found that I had been summoned because I was deemed to have too much power.

Apparently, I was considered dangerous, was holding powerful, but illegal artefacts, and had been accused of abusing my powers.

It was clear that someone had complained about me. I suspected it was a member or two of The Twelve and they were attempting to take away The Phoenix title that I held.

In fact, such titles can’t be removed by a council. They would need to petition The Source that gave the title in the first place. (Which just happens to be me.)

I imagine that’s what their intention was, after their trial.

Proving My Identity

I told them exactly who I was.

I said I was “The Phoenix”, flaring up as I said it. (Possibly making everything look like it was bursting into flames for a few moments).

Then I provided proof of identity. This is done by a device that looks very much like a modern-day smart phone, but is Soul Locked to the Being in question. It can’t be faked or duplicated, and it can’t be stolen and used by another.

It identified me as The Phoenix Source, and then I went to a Gateway of Judgement, and walked through it a few times and let them read the data output.


It didn’t take long for them to realize they had made a mistake and I had been falsely accused.

I told them that if they weren’t going to aid me in what I needed to do, then they needed to butt out of my business, or I would deal with them personally.

They apparently decided to help me instead. Not long after, the bounties that were placed on my head were removed.

I was also informed that they weren’t annoyed with me, but with the ones who had falsely reported me to them.

Another Perspective

In December, 2021, I was having a voice chat with a couple of other people, one of them being Ecclasia, and the subject of the councils came up.

I mentioned how I was summoned and, to my surprise, Ecclasia said that she happened to be there to witness it. I asked her about what she saw, and she told me.

It was an interesting chat, and I obtained permission to play a part of it.

You can listen to it by clicking on the link below.

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3 years ago

What did you like see I’m wondering if what I saw in 2020 or 21 can be a summonce I couldn’t explain what was going on but it was all an orange light and I felt headless. I was crying at the time I’ll tell you later. Interesting though the soul phone.

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