207 – Ouija boards – Do They Really Work?

Ouija Boards

The following two blog entries will discuss Ouija Boards. Do they really work and, if so, how? Part two will look at the Ouija Board demon called ZoZo, and if he is real or not.

While I believe that the information is accurate (as of the time of writing this), your mileage may vary. As always, use your feelings to decide what’s true for you and what isn’t.

A Brief History

Are Ouija Boards a portal to Hell, or are they just an innocent board game?

For those who are not familiar with what a Ouija Board is, it’s a board with letters and numbers on it.  Its purpose is to allow you to contact spirits. Its name derives from the French words for “yes” and “no.”

As for its history, Wikipedia states the following: “Spiritualists in the United States believed that the dead were able to contact the living and reportedly used a talking board very similar to a modern Ouija board… in 1886 to ostensibly enable faster communication with spirits. Following its commercial introduction by businessman Elijah Bond on 1 July 1890, the Ouija board was regarded as an innocent parlor game unrelated to the occult until American spiritualist Pearl Curran popularized its use as a divining tool during World War I.

During that period, and the 1920s, psychic channelers were all the rage. People wanted to get in contact with their departed loved ones and this appeared to be an easy way to do it.

But It’s Just A Game!

One of the biggest criticisms with the Ouija Board is that it’s just a game, therefore it must be fake.

To a certain extent, you could argue that successfully. However, as there are no rules on if a game can be used by the spirit world or not, it follows that if someone chose a Ouija Board as their tools of choice, then there is no reason why it should not work.

The problem with a Ouija Board isn’t so much if it’s real or not, but more the lack of understanding of how it really works.

Fakes And Trolls

Let me first state that I believe that there are plenty of fake psychics out there. Whether they do it to troll people for their own amusement, to prove a point, or part them from their money; their actions bring anything that is authentic into disrepute.

It’s also fair to say that there are plenty of genuine psychics out there. Ironically, they don’t do much to draw attention to themselves.

Partly because they don’t want the attention and also because they would be teeming with people who want free psychic advice. I certainly keep myself relatively low key for that very reason.

Beyond The Grave

One question I’ve always pondered is, are there really so many spirits of the departed waiting to speak to us from “beyond the grave?”

From what I understand, once they move on, they tend to lose interest in this World, the life they had, and they already know those who are left behind will be okay.

That’s not to say that they stop caring, but perspectives change once you realize that the 3D was the illusion, and they are back to being part of the greater Reality. (Such as it is, in the Realm of the Relative.)

Also, should you call upon them in your thoughts, they will immediately be there for you. (And maybe frustratingly, not be acknowledged because those calling are unable to discern their presence.)

To make contact, the departed may find ways to leave signs or even manifest in a corporal form, to show that they are fine and doing well.

As a rule, they will not be lining up with a psychic reader who stands in front of a large audience, giving cold readings.  (So please don’t waste your hard-earned money to feed that beast.)


While the departed may use many ways to make contact, you would think that the Ouija Board would be the perfect way to do it.

However, that assumes several things.

That someone is sensitive enough to receive messages and that the connection isn’t hijacked by some demonic entity.

This is assuming that those who have died know that they are dead and no longer have a body in which to interact with. (Which is what we would call Ghosts or “Deaders,” as the spirit world apparently references them.)

Personally, when it comes to using a Ouija Board, I think that in many cases, there aren’t any spirit or demonics about. Some people have a tendency to either fake stuff, mess around, or have a desire to prove something is real, so they are subconsciously influenced.


However, let’s assume there is a real Spirit or Demonic around. Two things would need to happen:

  • There would need to be a person present who has given permission (on some level) for their body to be used; and,
  • The spirit entity has managed to possess the body somewhat.

Like Looking Through Water

One question that comes up a lot is: If this is all real, why doesn’t it work if you close your eyes? Surely you will get answers if it’s genuine.

People use this to claim Ouija Boards are indeed fake, otherwise they would work, no matter what the conditions. However, it simply does not work like that.

Now, it’s an interesting fact that just because you’re a Spirit, it doesn’t mean that you will see things clearly in the 3D. In fact, the opposite is true. It’s like trying to look at the bottom of the ocean from the surface. Things are simply distorted and not easy to make out.

This is also why it’s hard for those who Astral travel to see what is going on in the 3D with any kind of clarity. They will see the higher levels, but they do not always match the physical ones.


Also, it takes an enormous amount of energy to move things (such as a planchette) in Spirit form. Yes, it can be done, but why do it like that, when there is an easier way?

That way being, possess the body and use the possessed eyes and hands.

Possession generally allows the demonic to see what their host sees. Hence, closing eyes will mean they cannot see.

You could liken it to trying to fix a computer over the phone for a friend, or connecting directly to their computer and doing it remotely. One takes way less effort.

As for why a demonic would choose the easiest way, it’s because there is a simple principal in place.

If the effort and energy required exceeds the benefits obtained, then it’s not worth doing for the Demonic.

Just Don’t

In Summary, the Ouija Board can be used as a means of communicating with the departed, but it’s certainly not safe or advisable.

If a loved one wants to contact you, they will find a way to leave a message. It’s up to the individual to recognize when this happens, but in my experience, it will eventually happen.

Next: ZoZo

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