206 – The Difference Between Praying To Source And gods.

Soul Debt Question

I was asked recently how do you pray to gods without creating a soul debt?

“If praying to a god or entity creates a sort of debt to them, then is there a thing a person can pray to (or speak to) that would not create that situation? What about just sending a message to the universe? Or to the Source? Does that create a debt?”

This brings up something I’ve been wanting to write about: Prayer energy.

Source vs gods

(g)ods are not the same as Source. I deliberately use a lowercase ‘g’ as opposed to a capital one to distinguish them from Source.

God, to my mind, is another name for Source. A god is very different to Source.  There are gods that represent an aspect of Source (but are not Source itself), and then there are gods who have jobs to do.

Those with jobs are meant to be in service to the 3D. Being a go-between for the physical and spirit. Somewhere along the line, they decided that the 3D and others should be, instead, in service to them.

Not only is that a violation of their position, but it’s a perversion of how things are meant to work.


In the past, gods would create temples and insist that they be worshipped. The reason for this is because they use the prayer energy to bolster their own power.

It’s essentially energy harvesting. 

At its worst level, it’s Soul Harvesting. Something that still goes on today, and isn’t always easy to spot or be aware of.

Soul Harvesting is when the Soul, or the Soul’s energy / essence is being taken by another, for their own uses. Something that I cover in Soul Contracts.

There are sites out there that are dedicated for encouraging people to pray and make deals with gods and demonics. (One, for instance, is run by an incubus who I’m sure has his own deals with demons.)

For those who are tempted… just don’t. Nothing is free and demonics do not care about humans. They find it demeaning to have to work with them.


A true god, one that represents an actual Source, does not need worship of any kind. They are self-sustained by their own energies.

More importantly, a Source will discourage such things, as this type of energy tends to either to be corruptive, by its very nature, or leads to beliefs and rituals that will harm those who worship.

I should point out, though, that there are rituals that do exist that call upon Sources and gods. They are intended to obtain aid in manifesting our personal realities and experiences (as opposed to worshiping them).


In the times of the Hindu gods, which was before Atlantis, things were different. You had a strict hierarchy of beings and gods.

You could liken this to a business where you have the CEO, shareholders, upper management, lower management and the core workers.

Like businesses, you can also factor in external sources, such as consultants and companies to handle things, such as payroll.

This hierarchy still exists today, though its purpose tends to be lost. It’s used more for power than keeping order.

The Hierarchy

To help understand how it works, a brief explanation is in order.

At the very top, you have Source or God or Atum or whatever name you wish to give it. To keep it simple, I will just refer to it as Source.

Source is literally everything that exists. All that ever was, is and will be. All the yin, yang, negatives, positives, and all in between. 

Source cannot manifest itself as an avatar. To do so would create a body where every thought, whim, desire would be made manifest instantly.

Free Will could not exist as there is nothing outside of Source.


To prevent this, Source manifests Prime Avatars, also known as Second Tier Sources or Ancients.  

Each Prime will represent a certain element of creation and existence. The Prime will produce avatars of their own, who will be considered third tier / level, and so on.

A Prime will generally not get involved in normal matters. If they do, it’s because the balance is out, and needs to be restored.

If the Prime itself becomes compromised or corrupted, then reality will be in danger of collapsing and if all become compromised, then the timelines will collapse. In which case, events will either repeat again in a new timeline, or shift to a parallel one where the compromise has yet to happen. Hopefully to prevent that particular outcome.

Exchange Rule

Rule of thumb for prayers to any deity, gods, or some being that you want to help you is this.

Source and its Ancients should require nothing in return, save for your own involvement and work in manifesting what you are asking for. (Which means taking note of what occurs and following the synchronicities, wherever they may lead you.)

There is a caveat to this. If a source has manifested as a physical being, then the normal rules of give, take, balance apply. (That is, there must be some type of exchange.)

If you choose a god that requires an exchange, make sure you know what you are getting yourself into (see my blogs on Soul Contracts) and be prepared to pay whatever price that is agreed).

You Have Power

However, I do not recommend prayers at all. Free Will allows us to not only create any outcome we desire (as long as it’s within the rules of the Astral level you are on) but gives our power back to us.

In other words, we do not need to ask for help. We already have the power to manifest as desired.

However, if you do decide you would rather go down the prayer route, always set the intention to reach a being or Source that does not require anything but your own work in return. (Nor form a Soul Deal with you.)

This blog is full of advice on how to do this. You can look at the table of contents to get a quick overview. 

Remember, you are more powerful than you know. You already use that power by default. Use it wisely.

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