199 – Curses – Do They Exist?


Do curses really exist? Did the tombs of the pharaohs really have protections on them that caused bad luck for those who desecrated them?

The short answer is: Yes. The long answer is a little more complicated.

Let’s first look at what a curse is.

What Are They?

A curse is an elemental spell or energy that has been attached to a place or object. It will activate under certain conditions.

They may be active, perpetual, or protective. (In general.)

An active curse will always be on, regardless of how much time has passed. It will draw from a designated energy source. It doesn’t really care so much about intention. The Curse is just set to activate upon set conditions. (Generally, if someone touches, takes, or desecrates an object.)

Such a curse will end when the creator of the curse no longer exists in that reality or there is no more energetic attachment to whatever has the curse on it.

A perpetual curse is one that does not tend to end. It will follow the energy of the Soul that was cursed for many lifetimes. Perpetual Curses are normally cast by jealous people or jilted lovers. They can cause an enormous amount of trouble and issues, long after the events that caused it are no longer relevant.

Last, we have protective curses. These are simply there to discourage anyone from intruding, stealing, or desecrating possessions.

How long a curse will last depends on how important the possession is and how relevant it remains.

As to what they do, that depends. It could be anything. It very much depends on the skill of the one creating the curse, and how much power he puts into them.


The way a curse is created is pretty straight forward. Intention is the key and sacred geometry is how they are cast.

Sacred Geometry is simply a method of drawing a design that represents the energy of an outcome you wish to achieve.

Most people who do spells will use Sacred Geometry as their main tool. Normally, by using symbols or words (which are designed to invoke certain energies by their vibrations, which is just another form of Sacred Geometry.)

It is not enough to simply cast the spells or curses, though. It needs to have energy, intention, and focus to charge it. A potent one will generally have some of the Lifeforce of the curser infused into it.

The energy is created on an Astral level, then attached to whatever is to be protected. This can be either Astral or on the 3D.


How powerful the curse will be, depends on how much passion, energy, and desire is behind it. If someone has something they wish to be protected, and that thing is dear to them, then it will generally be very strong, very long, and devastating to the one who activates it.

If there is passion and great emotion behind the spells, then that may produce very powerful outcomes.

Generational Curses

A good example of this is a Generational Curse.

I have seen several cases where such a thing has been in effect. Those types tend to follow the family, life after life. It can be either through bloodlines or soul lines.

One particular example that comes to mind is where a couple had an affair, and the scorned wife cursed the couple to never find any happiness in a relationship.

From what I could tell, this was around two hundred years ago (though this is relatively recent in the scheme of things.)

I wasn’t all that keen to remove the curse, as someone has to pay the piper. In order to safely do so, the affected parties must truly repent for what they did. (Thus, they will no longer resonate with the energies and the curse will no longer have any hold or effect over them.)


I explained what was going on, and what needed to be done, but all I got was a complete lack of understanding and empathy and a sense of self-entitlement.

Regardless, someone agreed to do a ritual to break the curse (and by doing so, brought forth a demon, which I banished on the breaker’s behalf), but it only went so far.

Yes, it was broken, but the attitude of the cursed lady did not change, nor was any appreciation shown. (In fact, she was just as self-entitled and demanding as before.) 

She found a new relationship not too long after, but that imploded in a spectacular way. My feeling is that the demon I banished, did find it’s way back to her and caused her grief.

A change in her attitude could have saved everything, but alas, that was not the case.

In Conclusion

Generally, I don’t encourage curses of any type, as they tend to turn around and bite you.

Worse, still, if it was made out of revenge, malice, or a desire to take something that is not yours, then when it eventually does expire, it will rebound on the curser. (Common belief is that it will be seven times stronger.)

While one should avoid curses at all costs, there are certain circumstances where you can get away with them.

We’ll look at what those are in the next entry.

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