190 – The Guide’s Guide – Communication



Estimated reading time: 6 minutes


Over the years, I’ve had several questions on spirit Guides. The following entries will attempt to answer ones such as, what are Guides? How do you communicate and who can be your Guide(s)? This entry looks at communication.

Many Ways

Talking with your Guides can come in many forms.

No doubt, some assume that it’s hearing voices in your head, but, in my experience that’s rare.

As complex, multi-dimensional beings, we are rarely limited to 3D conventions.

Most appear to have no clue about the connection between Body, Soul, Astral, Higher Self, Soul Group and Source.

To be fair, these are complex concepts that require you to forget what you think you know, (something that is extremely hard to do for many) and accept that the impossible and improbable might be commonplace.

Not Crazy

Hearing voices in your head or mind, or even talking to yourself is looked upon as a sign of craziness. If the Astral did not exist, and souls, spirits and entities were not a thing, then that would be a fair comment. However, they do and it’s just one of their methods of communication.

Those who are not crazy, will be driven crazy, by the belief that such things can’t exist. Honestly, it is criminal the way they lock up psychics and empaths and put them on drugs designed to block such abilities.

While that may be one of the ways a Guide will contact you, it will also be something malicious entities may also do.  As mentioned in my series on Psychic Attacks, they may try to mess with you.

Once again, never take any messages you get as gospel. Always run it through your intuition and feelings and cut out your ego and desire to be renown and right. Those things will only trip you up.


Messages may come through to you in several ways. The following list are the ones I am aware of or have personally experienced. There are certainly other ways, and feel free to add your own in the comment section.

Voices In Your Head

Hearing voices in your mind may be one, though this is something I’ve not experienced. I also suspect that it’s more common for Soul Braids than Guides. This method of communication can often feel overwhelming, until you work together or get used to it.

Telepathy or Thoughts

Guides can communicate through telepathy. They come through as thoughts that are not initiated of your own volition. This is like having a conversation in your head. You will get answers with what might feel like your own thoughts, but they will not be something you would normally think of saying.

The Voiceless Voice

There may also be, what is referred to as, a voiceless voice. You don’t ‘hear’ any voices or thoughts… it’s more a clear impression of thoughts and words. You will know what is being said, in no uncertain terms, though you may not be able to explain how or why.


Feelings are also a major way. Having a bad or good feeling about something may not only be your intuition kicking in, but also your Guides sending you a clear message.


Sometimes, it’s possible to go into a trance and receive messages that way, though it can be hard to remember what was said after. In essence, the body of the channeler will be used as a means for communication to pass on messages.

Such messages are typically received by a psychic or sensitive when they are talking or in the presence of the one who needs to receive the message.

I’ve heard stories where the channeler will say after, that they don’t remember what was said, and they just had a peaceful feeling while doing it.

This may not be something that was planned by either party. Guides may use this method to pass messages to the receiver when there is a need to communicate, but there is no other way of connecting.

Conscious Channeling

This is being able to channel messages without going into a trance. It’s the ability to draw information from the astral levels and pass it on, ‘on the fly’.

The benefit of this method is that you remember what you have said and are always in control. The downside is that it can be draining on an energetic level.

This is the method I use when I am helping or healing others. I’ve found it to be very accurate.

Key is to see yourself as one with all your soul levels. Most tend to see themselves as separate from their Higher Self.  When you see yourself as one with all, then everything becomes much easier to do.

Automatic Writing

This method requires you to let yourself write, or type, without conscious thought or intention on your part.

This can require some practice to get the hang of, but the more you do it, the better you become at it, and the easier it is.

The results are often surprising, and sometimes reveal information that will only make sense later, in retrospect.

I have used this method of communication to not only write blog entries and books like The Empath Guidebook, but also novels.

Writing a novel, in this way, goes against all convention. I have written complete stories that hang together amazingly well, even though I had no plan in mind, and no structure or idea in place.

An example of this can be read here on Wattpad.


Sometimes we ask for a sign, and we get it. It may not be what we are looking for, or what we want, but if you ask for a sign, and you get one, then it’s generally your Guides giving you an answer.

Such signs might be a movie, song, book or a random conversation that someone has with you. It could be anything, really.

Guides In Human or Animal Form

And last in this entry, (though this list is not exhaustive and inclusive), Guides can manifest in human bodies or as animals.

Animals may be referred to as familiars or companions, or even spirit omens.

Humans tend to be a little more complex. It’s a direct method of communication that cuts out all of the guesswork.

Please note that just because they are a Guide, it does not automatically follow that they will know this from the outset.

Some Guides have business to attend to in a physical 3D body, and it does not always follow that they will know they are a Guide. At least not initially. Some remember as things unfold, and some gain a certain “knowing.”

I’ve had, at least, one of my Guides manifest for me in a body, though I suspect there have been many others.

In Conclusion

Guides have many ways of communicating with us. There is no one method or correct way. Communication is tricky, especially as they may have to convince the subject that they exist in the first place.

Next entry: We’ll look at the types of messages one may get.

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