188 – Third Eye Maintenance

The Third Eye

Your Third Eye Chakra is what controls the flow of your psychic ability.

The Third Eye, itself, is said to be the pineal gland. It’s a pinecone shaped gland that is located in the centre of the brain and is responsible for producing melatonin, which helps regulate our sleep.

Long ago, when I didn’t know any better, and followed the words of a T.L.Rampa, I read how he had his gland activated by surgery. I’ve always been a little dubious about this being true, or if it’s even possible.

But let’s assume that, indeed, the pineal gland is your Third Eye. Does it need to be activated for it to work?

My feelings are: No.

It is already active. How active it is, though, will depend on how open, or closed, your Third Eye Chakra is.

Psychic Abilities

The Third Eye is like a muscle. The more you use it, the stronger it becomes. Practice is one of the keys.

I believe that past life experiences and psychic evolution will also play a part in how effective your control over your Third Eye is.

Psychic abilities cover a vast multitude of skills. Clairvoyance, empath abilities, channelling, psychometry, seeing potential futures, psychic healing and manifestation are just some of the skills that are connected to the Third Eye.

As a side note, Intuition isn’t Third Eye related. Intuition is connected to your solar plexus.

There are many out there who are naturally gifted in psychic abilities. Many genuine readers exist, though do not confuse them with the likes of those who do vague, cold readings to large audiences. They just give real psychics a bad name.

Pros and Cons

The Third Eye is something that many people use naturally. This can be both a good and bad thing. Enabling psychic abilities has its pros and cons and If the Third Eye chakra is too open, it can lead to health and psychological issues.

For instance, with Empaths, it can lead to major problems, as they will often feel overwhelmed with the emotions of those around them. Depression, anxiety, restlessness and disturbed sleep are just some of the negative side effects.

For some psychics, it may leave them vulnerable to Astral energies, Psychic Attacks, or just too much inflow of information.  

Natural Abilities

Being telepathic, psychic, able to see or sense spirits may sound like a lot of fun, but it is generally not. Especially in today’s world, where the first thing people will try to do is put you on medication to “fix” you.

Seems the more advanced in science humans become, the more ignorant and arrogant they are.

For most people, who are awakening their psychic powers, there is nothing wrong with them. They are experiencing normal abilities that may have been honed over many lifetimes.

What causes problems is that they are made to feel they are crazy. Being told that psychic abilities aren’t real. That they need help and should see a doctor or a psychiatrist.

Or worse, they are told they are demonic, or trafficking with The Devil. (You could, for the same token, claim the same thing about Christ, who was very psychic himself.)

Truth here is, though, that there aren’t any rules to who has psychic abilities and who can use them. It should also be noted that having powers does not make one spiritual or evil. No more so than being a great athlete will make one an ethical or amoral person.

An Iris

What should happen is that education, validation, and support should be given.

I’ve helped more people, than I care to remember, who believe they are going crazy. Being able to validate what they are experiencing is real, can help them enormously.

While understanding what is going on does help, it’s also important to learn how to control the flow of energy to your Third Eye.

This, as it happens, is not very hard. Your Chakras are like a camera iris. When taking a photo, the more open the iris is, the more light is allowed in for greater exposure.  To restrict the flow of light, closing it is required.

The same goes for controlling our Chakras. The more open they are, the more energy and flow there is.

Close the Session

Many people, who use their Third Eye, do it without awareness that they have opened their chakra in order to do so.

It is vital that, after you have finished a session, such as meditation, a reading, channelling, and so on, that we close the session, and close the chakra to our Third Eye.

Not doing so will not only leave you open to energies that can mess with you emotionally and energetically, but also cause the sense of feeling overwhelmed, bring disrupted sleep, and create psychological and even medical issues.

To close a session, simply visualize cutting off the flow of energy that you have been engaging with. It’s like cutting a cord in your mind, or closing a gateway or door.

Lotus Flower

Closing the Third Eye Chakra is also a simple process.

I always tell people to visualize something like a Lotus flower, turning anti-clockwise, with the petals closing in. It’s certainly not traditional, but it works.

The term “anti-clockwise” confuses some, but if you look at the hands on a clock, and imagine them going backwards, that will be the direction to turn the chakra. To open it more, just reverse the procedure.

Anti-clockwise direction

You will know when you have opened or closed the Third Eye Chakra enough by the feel in your forehead, which is located between, and slightly above, your eyes.

There will be a sense of peace and balance.

In Conclusion

Look after your Third Eye and the associated Chakra. Make sure it’s not too open or closed. Too open will overwhelm you and too closed will cut you off from The Source and Spirit.

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3 years ago

I am chuckling to myself after reading this. It took me awhile to learn how to damper my skills so I could conduct daily life and not appear raving mad. I tried your lotus method and had everything come rushing back in! LOL!
I had forgotten that I naturally open and close as I’ve learned to do over the years so I can function. I feel we’ve come to many of the same conclusions through different paths. Thank you for the chuckle at myself that I can still be back in that overwhelming soup if I don’t pay attention! LOL!

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