183 – Animal Omens – The Dragonfly

The Dragonfly

This series discusses animal omens. Many humans tend to kill what they consider to be unwanted intruders, such as spiders and the like, when they come into their home, but I would suggest thinking carefully before doing that. They may be there to give a message to you. I’ve had quite a few such omens appear in my life. This entry I’ll talk about my experiences with Dragonflies.

My Day Job

With me, some omens tend to be subtle. With Dragonflies, though, they are anything but.

For me, they represent new beginnings and the reassurance that things will work out.

I never really noticed them until recently.

The first time was back in December of 2014.

At the time, I had been working for 17 years at my day job doing documentation in the shipping container industry.

By that stage, I had spent 27 years in three various companies. I was burnt out, tired, and needed a change. The work was anything but rewarding and did not make a difference to anyone in any meaningful way.

The End

For the best part of two decades, I had wanted to move onto healing and helping others, but the timing was never right.

I needed both experience and reputation. Both, I had been working daily at getting, for around 15 years.

Then, in December of 2014, the company I was working for, suddenly announced they were closing their offices and appointing a shipping agency.

To be fair, I had been observing the signs for a while, and knew this was coming. While it did not come as any great surprise, I was disappointed that management had chosen right before Christmas to make such an announcement.

But that’s shipping for you. It was a South Korean company that lacked ethics, morality, and was filled to the brim with corruption in their management and treatment of staff.  They did not give two hoots about their welfare, or looking after them.

Me, and a couple of others, were only working there because the writing was clearly on the wall and we knew a redundancy package was coming.

Flying High

Still, in spite of knowing this was coming, I left feeling very down that day. At the time, I was living in a wonderful little apartment, with my ex-partner, which was on the 5th floor.

My computer room faced a window that overlooked a side street.

That evening, I looked up, and flying past my window was a Dragonfly. My understanding of them suggests that they tended to stay near the ground. So, this was extraordinary.

It was also the first time I had seen one in that area.

I knew, instinctively, that this was a message for me.  A sign that things would work out and there was no need to worry.


Later that week, when I went for a walk in a nearby park, swarms of Dragonflies would rise in front of me, and settle down just as quickly. This happened for two days in a row.

This was the only period of time where this occurred. After that, I rarely saw them.

Sure enough, things worked out well. Timing was perfect for a new job, which kept me occupied for most of 2015.

Then I moved, for a while to North America, with my partner, as she was from there, originally, and had always planned to return.


Since then, I’ve noticed that Dragonflies would appear when there was a time of great crisis occurring.

Another incident was when I had returned home to help my aging family, and my step-father began to show signs of paranoia and dementia.

His actions became erratic and hostile. I knew I had to be careful as he had made me his target.

As always, things had a way of working out that, once again, showed me that I was being looked after and well protected.

During that time, a Dragonfly appeared outside the family home I was now staying at. This was the first time I had seen one in that area.

The next day, one flew into my computer room and alighted on my screen, in front of me.

It found its way out of my room, and the house, soon after.

In Conclusion

I don’t see Dragonflies very often, but when I do, it gives me a great sense of reassurance.

There are many resources out there that explain what seeing them means. This is one of them, but by no means the only one.

If you see a Dragonfly, take it as a good sign that things will work out, transformation is coming, and you are being looked after and protected.

Dragonflies are truly a blessing.

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