Drawing By Carolina Pagatpatan
The Resurrection
This is a two part look at what The Resurrection, discussed in The Bible, might be.
No, I’m not going to get religious on you. I follow or endorse no organized religion. (My Guides always insisted that I don’t follow any religion as it would limit me severely.) What I am going to say comes from a place of experience and knowledge.
This is going to be a very sensitive topic for certain people. For some, whenever you mention The Bible or certain concepts, things can get very heated. Offence seems to be so easily taken. (Which is ironic, as those they claim to follow would never take offense themselves.)
The Old gods
Once I mentioned to someone that if you looked at The Bible from a different point of view, it was about the old gods, and many of the things in that book made sense from that perspective.
I was told off, in no uncertain terms, that I should never suggest such things.
Why such a thing would be offensive is beyond me. You could argue that it is me who should be offended, being denied who I really am by others. But I digress.
Also, I do find it bizarre that Christians (or at least some who I’ve spoken to) seem to lay a sole claim to The Christ Light.
Why anyone would actually think that way is beyond me. To me, it comes across as elitist thinking and certainly not what was ever intended.
Key Events
When it comes to some religions, things aren’t always what they seem. Truth is often hidden in plain sight, but it requires certain knowledge for the keys to be unlocked.
I certainly can’t claim to be a Biblical Scholar, but I can claim to have witness key events occurring that are mentioned in it.
The true meaning of triple six, The Beast, and The Leviathan are just some examples. Whether you choose to believe me or not is irrelevant. Those events happened and belief will not alter that.
As for The Beast, I would suggest that he is partly a product of the toxicity of humans, and as that has been increasing over the past few decades, it’s reasonable to say that this being is something that may still come about.
Remember, this is not some human. Not some microchip or vaccine. Not some vast conspiracy that your governments are trying to hide from you. It’s a being who is from what we call, “The Void.” Humans seem to empower it by their hatred, prejudice, and toxic energies.
Please don’t be one of them.
Out of the many things discussed by those who believe in The Bible, The Resurrection is one of the subjects that gets brought up a lot.
It’s always puzzled me because, the way it’s explained to me makes little to no sense.
From what I gather, there will come a time when the faithful will have their bodies resurrected and they will get to live on this World forever.
I’m told by some that the body will be a perfect and spiritualized version of our current body.
There are a few things that I find problematic with this.
The Problems
First, we are not our bodies. I’ve said this before, but it’s worth saying once more. Confusing the Soul with the body is akin to confusing a car with the driver.
Secondly, which body? Despite what people think, we live more than once. Some may live hundreds, even thousands of lives. Some concurrently.
With reincarnation being a fact of life (and acting as though it’s not does not make it any less so), it makes the need for a Resurrection completely pointless.
At any point, you can choose to leave your current body and reincarnate into a new one.
Third, the entire point of reincarnation is to be able to evolve and grow as spiritual beings. For most people, this is hard to do once you get past a certain age.
Stuck in Their Ways
Wisdom is not granted just because you don’t die or are Resurrected. It’s something that you gain through different lives and experiences.
It’s certainly true that some elderly (and young) are incredibly wise and insightful, but they did not get that way in just one lifetime.
That is an accumulation of experiences that include all aspects of life.
Most just become stuck in their ways. Cynical, bitter, and full of hatred toward anything new.
And finally, why would you want to have eternal life to begin with? You are already an Immortal Soul. Also, Earth can only provide so many experiences before you would wish to move onto different planes where new ones await.
The real reality lays beyond this world.
Now, you could argue that we would live on a spiritualized world in a spiritualized body, but you can already do that. In fact, you don’t even need a body.
We do this by default when we are not incarnated on this world.
Though, it should be pointed out that where we end up will depend on the work you have put into attuning yourself to those levels. You can easily end up on a completely dysfunctional version of this reality, simply because your beliefs and attitudes, themselves, are dysfunctional.
Lost in Translation
I strongly feel that something has been lost in translation. That the true and original meaning has been forgotten, assuming anyone really understood it to begin with.
Next entry, I will explain what that is exactly. What it all means and how it will personally apply to you.
[…] is a two part look at what The Resurrection, spoken of in The Bible, may be. The first was about the body. This […]