162 – Soul Contracts – Defining Terms

Photo by Joshua Hoehne on Unsplash

Defining Terms

This series looks at Soul Contracts. We will discuss if they exist, what they are, and what the traps and pitfalls may be. This entry looks at the importance of defining terms.

Different Meanings

Words mean different things to different people. This may be a problem if you agree to something where the parties have different views and experiences on what something means.

For instance, for many humans, they may assume their Soul means their body. For a demon, though, the Soul is the Lightbody that generally resides within.

One of the more perplexing comments I’ve heard about Souls is: “I’m not using it, anyway.”

This is such a contradiction in logic that it actually hurts my brain.

Going back to the car analogy, it’s like the driver saying that they are not driving, while they are driving.

Maybe it’s said in jest, but it also feels like a complete lack of understanding that they are a Soul.

But I digress.


Defining words and terms is critical in any Soul Contract due to the different perspective parties have.

As a really simple example, let’s say someone is looking to be happy so they make a deal that states:

I want to be happy.

The key word to be aware of is “want.” If the deal goes ahead, that person may end up wanting to have happiness, but always having it elude them. The desire to be happy, though, would gnaw at them.

Defining exactly what one means by “want” would be critical to a deal.

You would have to state that you would achieve happiness by a certain date and also confirm how long it would last.

More importantly, you would have to define what “happy” means to you.

Is it money, love, power, prestige, possessions or any other of the countless ways that people seem to measure it?

You may be put into a state, emotionally, where you will feel happy, but nothing will have changed. (Which, really isn’t a bad way to be.) However, if that is not what matters to you, then you will feel cheated or disappointed with the outcome.

Free Will

Of course, you really don’t have to make such a deal if you wish to have happiness, or indeed, anything. We already have that power.

Free Will allows us to manifest any experience we desire.

Few seem to understand this, though.

From what I’ve observed, many just want what they want right now and are not prepared to put the work, effort, and time into making it happen.

This is especially true for spiritual growth and power. There is no short cut for this.

Anything quickly gained, is also just as quickly lost. (Anyone who has done an all-night study session before an exam will know this, as they will be hard pressed to remember most of what they had learned a week later.)

We Are Responsible

I know many hate to hear this, but we are fully responsible for the decisions we have made in our lives. Things may not have worked out as we expected, but at some point, we made a choice to either try and produce a specific outcome or avoid it.

When we deny our responsibilities, we are also giving away our power to manifest outcomes.

Saying something is not in your control is akin to saying that it is happening to you, and not something you agreed to on some level, at some point.

Taking responsibility is what allows you to claim your power to change things.


I’ve had people tell me that they don’t think it’s fair that they should be facing consequences for decisions they have made. In their mind, they were justified in doing what they did.

Be that as it may, The Universe does not work on “fair.”

Fair is a man-made concept.

Trying to make a Soul Agreement to circumvent consequences is replacing one set of problems for another.

Also, any karma that you will have to deal with cannot be voided in that manner. (No matter what another may tell you.)

Even if you can have someone make things “right,” you will still need to deal with the fallout at some point.

End of Lecture

But the point of this entry is not to lecture on why we should be avoiding Soul Contracts and taking responsibility for our own lives, it’s to explain what to look out for if  you decide to go down the short, easy path.

Make sure that all parties agree to what a word means. Make sure they can’t be interpreted in another way, and always ensure there is a time when the contract begins and ends.

Next: Can Children have Soul Contracts?

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