161– Soul Contracts – Involved Parties

Involved Parties

This series looks at Soul Contracts. We will discuss if they exist, what they are, and what the traps and pitfalls may be. This entry looks at the importance of knowing the parties involved.


I’m sure there are those reading this series who may be thinking: “I doubt anything like this could possibly exist. I’ve never seen any evidence of it.”

And, of course, there are some who don’t even believe in Demonics, Souls and the Astral worlds.

Ironically, that would not protect them if they made a deal to prove there is no such thing, or even if it was done in jest.

It’s worth mentioning, once again, that things like The Devil, Satan, Baal, etc., are titles.  They are generally held by the strongest (and most dangerous) demons. There is no Biblical Devil who is in direct competition with The Source for our Souls. If there was, we would all have been damned long ago.


There is certainly enough compelling proof that Soul Contracts exist.

Robert Johnson is probably one of the most famous cases. He is said to have gone to the Crossroads and made a deal with the Devil to give him mastery over music. He was said to transform from being mediocre to masterful in a year.  

Whether you believe this is true or not, is not important. At the very least, it should give you pause for thought. Maybe he was talented. Maybe he did make a deal.

Deals do happen. That’s just a fact.

Regardless of your beliefs, it you look deeply enough, the evidence is compelling.

It also demonstrates that, despite warnings to avoid such deals, people will still go ahead and enter into them.

If you find that you must do this, then make sure you ask all the right questions and make very clear stipulations on what the terms of the contract are. Failing to ask those things will be more on you rather than the other parties.

You will not be able to plead ignorance later.

Here are some things to look out for.

Full Disclosure

Full disclosure of who the parties are.

How many parties or beings are involved in the deal? What is their function? Why are they involved? Most importantly, who exactly are they?

Anyone can make a Soul Contract. While The Devil is certainly the most well known being to do this, he is by no means the only one who does. 

To avoid the Contract being voided, every being should disclose who they are and what their title is.

They also may have more than one title, but they will only be required to disclose those titles that are relevant to the deal. If a title is not deemed to be of relevance, and thus, hidden, then it cannot be used at a later date.

For instance, if you make a deal with someone who claims to be a benevolent helper to get out of a spot of legal trouble; and you find out afterwards that he is a Demon Lord, then this is something you should have asked when going in.

If you had asked, but it had not been disclosed, and the dealer tries to pull that card, the contract can possibly be voided.


There are services out there where, for a fee, you can make a deal with a demon using a Broker.

They won’t tell you they are a Broker. They will simply charge you to make a deal on your behalf.

This is deceptive marketing at its finest and worthy of demonic tactics, as you will not only pay for a Third Party making the deal (that payment is their commission); but you will enter into an agreement with an unknown entity for a fee that has yet to be disclosed.

 These kind of deals are trickier to get out of because you have accepted the goods without bothering to double check the price.

Please do not do this. Nothing is worth putting yourself into such jeopardy.

Nothing is Free!

For the same token, do not ask gods or Spirits (especially animal or Voodoo kinds) for favors. The Piper will always come a-calling.

Gods rarely do things for nothing and most don’t appreciate being called upon, unless there is something in it for them.

Just remember. Nothing is free. There is always an exchange at some level.

There is one caveat to this. If something is freely given and it’s specified that there are no conditions attached, then it is free.

This happens generally for those who have already earned something, or they have some great need to receive something freely.

Asking for something that you did not earn, even on behalf of another, will usually require some type of exchange.

Types of Currency

In the 3D world, money is one of the ways beings accept payment. While it has no value in the Astral Realms, here it is useful, especially if the being has an avatar here on this World.

Exchange of services is another way to pay. Skills such as art, building, protection, and so on, can be offered as compensation.

Never, ever offer your Soul (or that of another). It’s simply not worth it.


Do not try to find loopholes or cheat your way out of a deal. That does not work. All it will do is make things worse for yourself in the long run.

Do not make a promise to make payment, then conveniently forget to do so, or worse, have no intentions of doing so in the first place. It may not be in this lifetime, but there will come a time where payment will come due, normally with interest.

I’ve lost count of the amount of people who have promised to do something for me for services rendered, then never do. While I don’t normally care that much, there may come a time when I might decide to collect what is rightfully mine.

Don’t make the mistake thinking that because it might be another lifetime, it doesn’t matter. For millions of people here, right now, this is that lifetime where debts are coming due, and they thought they could put it off.


Do not try to void a legitimate contract on behalf of someone else. That’s like the bank (or a personal lender) loaning you money, and you stepping in and saying that it does not have to be paid back.  

Not only will someone have to pay eventually, it will most likely be you.

My rule of thumb is, if I am asked to void a Contract, but it’s watertight, I will offer something else in exchange. In other words, I will buy out the Contract.

Even if the Contract can be legitimately voided, I will still offer compensation. I do this to satisfy all parties involved. Just because one gets out of something that was not legally binding by Universal Law, it does not mean they still won’t come after you at some point.

This type of compensation would be a new contract that would also stipulate protection to both me and the person I am helping.

Next: Defining Terms

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