150 – Body and Soul – Soul Braids, Walk-Ins and Lifeforce – Part 2

Soul Braids, Walk Ins and the Lifeforce

This is the final entry of a two-part series where we look briefly at the difference between the Body, the Soul, and how things are not always what they appear to be.

Soul Braids

As noted in a previous entry, a body can share two or more Souls. These are called Soul Braids.

What is interesting is that very few people will be able to tell which Soul is which, even though they may have distinct personalities and energies.

When this type of situation is misunderstood, it can lead to real psychological problems. Medication is not going to fix it. It will simply make things worse.

(Western Medicine does not understand the connection between Body and Soul. Hence, they will never be effective healers, but that’s another topic.)

There are two solutions to deal with a Soul Braid that I am aware of.

  • Work together as a team, which can be extremely beneficial.
  • Find the additional Souls their own bodies.

If given a choice, I would always go with the first option. The second requires one to have spare bodies handy that belong to them on a Soul level.

That tends to be rare. (Though I have had success using that particular solution.)


While a Soul or entity might make use of a Soulless body, there are plenty of cases where the current occupant of the body either decides to leave (generally, because they no longer wish to be here) or is talked into leaving.

I’ve met some Walk-Ins who have bragged about how they whispered into the thoughts of the Soul that was inhabiting a body about leaving; until they finally did.

I have much distain for such beings. Most of the ones I’ve come across act like jerks.

The main benefit of using a body with a Soul appears to be that there is already an infrastructure that is in place. There is already a life, resources, friends, family and so on. This means that they can leech off the work of the Soul they replaced.

They can also access the memories stored in the brain, though there is a tendency to confuse them with their own.

Change in Personality

The point of this entry is to make people aware that we are not our bodies. So many claim to love someone, but they don’t even seem to notice when the Soul leaves, or worse, when another Soul enters.

But, if you are aware, then it’s not hard to identify exactly when this happens.

Their personality and energy tend to change. They also even look different, with subtle but noticeable shifts in their faces.

When people think someone has changed, there’s a good chance it’s because they literally have.

I cannot stress just how important this information is for this World to know.

Bodies That Leave Souls

When a body starts to age, or the Soul becomes weary, there is a tendency to leave that body. (There are other reasons this may occur, but it’s beyond the scope of these entries to go into them at this point of time.)

The body becomes mostly Soulless, with just enough of the personality still left to keep it running. Personalities can become imprinted on a body and part of its matrix.

The Soul may still jump back into the body from time to time, and it will appear that, for those who are confused or vague, some days are better than others. You will see this with dementia patients, the very sick, and the elderly.

When the body is Soulless, it becomes more vulnerable to disease, illness, and is way more likely to die.

Extra Protection

This is an important point to note because, with the current coronavirus outbreak, it is the Soulless bodies that are most likely to be affected and die.

It is the Soul’s Lifeforce energy that helps protect the body and bolsters the immune system.

It provides that extra layer of protection that lets us fight off maladies and helps us to recover.

Lifeforce energy won’t make you immune (such beings would be special cases), but it does go a long way to protect you.

This is one of the reasons why the elderly and sick are mostly succumbing to COVID-19. It may well be due to the Soul having mostly left the body, or the Lifeforce being almost depleted.

It’s not the only reason, but it does account for a good number of bodies.

If a healthy person does die, there’s a good chance it was a Soulless body.

Despite what we are taught, death is never random. It may appear to be that way but believe me when I say that it’s not.

Maybe some can take comfort in that.

Same Soul, Different Body

Another thing that people can take comfort in is that once a Soul leaves a body, it can decide to enter a new one.

That means, if someone you hold dear has passed on, you may meet them again, in this lifetime. It will just be in a new body.

As time is an illusion, and you can choose your point of entry when passing through the 4D, the Soul may choose an earlier time to incarnate, allowing it to be closer in age to their loved ones.

You will recognize them, and sometimes even remark how much they remind you of that person.

We may not remember who we were (and this is by design), but we will always have the knowing, that pull, that feeling that we have known someone all our lives, even though we have just met them.

This holds true for pets and animal companions. They can (and often do) return to you in new, healthier bodies, to continue their journey with you.

In Conclusion

Soulless bodies do make up a good proportion of the population. This is not a good thing as they can be used in destructive and negative ways.

Remember, a body is akin to a vehicle. The driver is akin to the Soul. Some bodies (like some current cars) are on automatic, giving the illusion of being occupied.

When something feels different with a person you feel you know well, it’s generally because it is.

Do not confuse the Soul with the body. They are never the same thing.

You are a Soul.

You have a body.

It allows us to experience what we normally cannot in our Lightbody.

Use it well.

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