The Counter To Psychic Attacks
This is a series that looks at what Psychic Attacks are and what you can do regarding them. This entry, we discuss how Bach Flower Remedies can be used to counter such attacks.
A Psychic Attack works by targeting your weakest link. It can only really affect you if you are vulnerable to the emotions it targets, or if it triggers trauma within you.
After all, if you don’t react to them, then the attack has no point and valuable energy is wasted by the attacker.
As previously mentioned, there is a rule of thumb for Psychic Attacks.
If it takes more energy to attack than the desired outcome is worth, then there is no point in doing it.
By using that logic, blocking the emotional effects of psychic attacks can go a long way in stopping them.
Bach Flower Remedies
Most who know me also know I’m a big advocate of Bach Flower Remedies (BFRs). They are not only amazing healers, but they are tailor made to help cope with Psychic Attacks.
The key is to look at the emotions that come up, which is easier said than done at times. For instance, you may feel anger, but what is the cause? Understanding and recognizing why you feel what you feel is key to knowing what remedies to take.
The skill in taking the right remedies lies in knowing yourself.
You would think that, for most people, this would be a no brainer, but it’s amazing just how many people have no clue about their triggers, emotions and who they really are.
The Causes
Anger, for instance, has a lot of causes. The cause might be anger itself. (BFR: Holly.) It could be due to frustration with others (BFR: Impatiens). Maybe you feel resentful for how you have been treated by others (BFR Willow) or tormenting thoughts keep on going through your mind about some incident. (BFR: White Chestnut.)
While Holly is generally the “go to” remedy for anger, it may also be a symptom of a deeper problem. Taking Holly may stop the feelings of anger, but unless you deal with the primary cause, it will return.
Anxiety is another one that has several causes that are not immediately obvious. The BFR, Aspen, is the traditional remedy, however keepings one’s emotions suppressed (BFR: Agrimony) and feelings of guilt (BFR: Pine) can produce massive anxiety, too.
With specific attacks, you will need to look at what you are feeling as they are happening.
For example, for an Attack of Amplification, Elm can be used for feeling overwhelmed, Willow for resentment, and Holly for feelings of anger.
For an Apathy Attack, Gorse is great if you feel there is no point in doing something. Wild Rose, if you feel drained of energy, and Willow will help with any feeling of victimhood.
In Conclusion
There is no set remedy for an attack. You can make a good guess as to what will help, but different people will react in different ways. Knowing what emotions, fears, and traumas come up is always going to be the key to stopping them.
Psychic Attacks, as annoying as they can be, are also an opportunity for us to uncover those root causes and deal with them.
The more you block, the more you get to understand yourself and who you are in relation to everything else.
This, then facilitates your spiritual growth and helps you to be come a greater version of who you are.
For more information on how to use Bach Flower Remedies, please click on this link.
Next: Not sure yet!
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