146 – Psychic Attacks – Inconvenient Attacks

Inconvenient Psychic Attacks

This is a series that looks at what Psychic Attacks are and what you can do regarding them. This entry we’ll focus on attacks that are inconvenient or when something happens that causes an inconvenience at the worst possible time. 

We have come to the end of our long list of Psychic Attacks. Or this is the last one, at least for now.

An Inconvenient Attack is one of the most frustrating types of a Psychic Attack.

Things will go wrong when it’s the least convenient time for them to do so. Such attacks are often paired with Technology Attacks.

For instance, something major may occur right before, or during a public holiday, and no one will be available to help.

It could be anything, such as a smart phone failing, your car breaking down, or even someone suddenly needing medical attention.

Friends, family, and coworkers will become unreachable and it will seem as though your support network has fallen apart.

No matter what you try, you can’t get help, or if you can, it will cost you dearly in some way.

Worst Possible Time

Inconvenient Attacks tend to occur when a loved one becomes sick and you can’t get the medication or equipment you urgently need.

Or maybe you have a deadline to meet, and something unexpected comes up. However, everyone has gone home, and you have no way of completing your task in time.

Perhaps there’s a computer failure, an outage, or a payment that did not go through correctly; thus, a service is unexpectedly cut off.

It might even be as simple as someone having stepped out just for an hour, but you need them right there and then.

Maybe the regular person you rely on just happens to have started their holiday leave and you have to wait a month before they return.

And I’m sure this one has happened to almost everyone. You’ve just gotten into the shower, and the phone rings, or someone is at the front door.

Maybe you are about to unwind and relax, and turn your mind off for the night, but then someone calls around. Or there may be a phone call, or an emergency happens. Either way, you will be forced to mentally reengage. That can lead to exhaustion and burn out.

Whatever the case, the timing is always inconvenient and frustrating.

If Anything Can Go Wrong…

These kinds of events happen with a timing that will seem contrived. As though someone is trolling you and knows the worst time to choose to frustrate and annoy.

Murphy’s Law sums it up perfectly with:   If anything can go wrong, it will do so at the worst possible time.

The actual odds of everything that can go wrong all at once, doing so, is way beyond the statistical probability. They generally happen for important or work-related matters.

They also are very time consuming, frustrating, and a great distraction.

Cock Blocking

I’ve seen Inconvenient Attacks time and time again. It’s designed to frustrate, anger, and make you feel disillusioned.

It’s the psychic attack equivalent of cock blocking.

These types of attacks require some foresight and planning to counter. Unfortunately, not everyone can predict the things that go wrong. Not everyone who is involved and affected by them will work in a harmonious way to counter them.

The general response is to panic, become negative, and bitterly resentful or angry.

Plan Wisely

Experience and planning can make a huge difference, but sometimes it can make things worse, too.

A simple example is when I update something on my computer, only to find that things stop working because the updated patch is flawed. I’ve done this a few times over the years, and you’d think I’d have learned by now, but no.

The obvious solution is to hold off on such things and plan for a time when the computer isn’t needed.

While some things can be prevented, things such as health issues tend to be trickier.

I know that it’s certainly not practical for many, but having backup systems in place can help. Keep that old smartphone around just in case your current one fails. Have spare parts for important equipment that you need on a daily basis.

For medical equipment, try to have a backup. If you know your health is failing or you’re having increasing difficulty moving, for example, make preparations in advance. It’s better to have what you may need and not need it than to find you need them, but don’t have it, at the worst possible time.

You can’t stop an Inconvenient Attack completely, but you can certainly reduce the impact of them.

In Conclusion

This is all the Psychic Attacks I can think of at this point of time. It’s a comprehensive list, but certainly not exclusive. There are others I’ve no doubt missed or don’t know about, and new ones are being contrived all the time.

Identifying what they are is generally the key to countering them. Detecting the source is also important, as you can block it.

One of the most useful tools we have in dealing with such attacks are Bach Flower Remedies.

Next entry, I will discuss some examples on how they can be used.

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