140 – Psychic Attacks – The Weather (3/4)

More Odd Incidents

This is a series that looks at what Psychic Attacks are and what you can do regarding them. This entry we’ll focus on how Weather can be influenced by humans with more examples of what I’ve done and has happened to me personally with the weather.

A very odd incident that occurred back in 2003 was during some major bushfires that were up north. The fires were so bad that, one morning, we woke up and the air was thick with smoke.

As I stood outside my driveway, breathing in smoke haze, a freak whirling wind picked up for a few seconds, and then disappeared, taking all the smoke with it.

I doubt I caused it, but it seemed almost surgical in its manifestation and purpose.

Wind Whipping

Another one of note, that felt clearly unnatural, was when I got married.  Back in 1998, as the ceremony was coming to an end, I heard the wind outside starting to whip up and rise in pitch.

Just as we were pronounced man and wife, it reached its highest pitch and then stopped.

It’s worth noting that the weather was fine and there was no wind around.

My Best Man made mention of it, saying he thought it was a nice touch.

Dragon Energy

One major incident, that remains with me till this day, occurred in January 2005.

One of my ex-wife’s friends, whose name was Ben, had passed away from Diabetes.

Ben was a Dragon incarnated into a human body. He knew he was Otherkin and he did not hide that fact from others. He seemed a likable enough person, though.

My ex-wife insisted that I was also a Dragon, or at least, she saw one in me. This was also during the period where I was working extremely hard to get rid of the Phoenix energy and influence, because I wasn’t sure I could trust it.

This story is recounted in my autobiography, I am The Phoenix, so I won’t go into that here, but suffice to say, I did have Dragon energies in me at the time. Trying to awaken them, though, was not a smart idea.

But, at the insistence of my ex-wife, I went to Ben for advice about how to awaken my Dragon Energy.


When I visited, Diabetes had made him so sick that he couldn’t do much to help me.

He said that normally, he could just look at someone and know what they needed, but he couldn’t do that for me.

I then said that I’m a Dragon and explained why I thought this.

Ben said:  If you are a Dragon, be a Dragon.

I took that advice to heart.

I called one forth, and for two years I carried an energy I knew as “Creosus.” Ironically, my ex-wife hated it. She said it made her want to curl up in a corner and hide.    


Ben died around 4 years later in 2004. It was a day or so after he died that I woke up around 3 am.

I couldn’t sleep, so I got up and logged into the now defunct Celestine Vision Chat Room.

Then there was this enormous flash of lightning, the likes I had never seen before.

I thought:  Hmm… lightning. Even at that moment, it felt weird.

This was followed by this twenty-second-long rumble of thunder. It went on and on. I have never heard anything like it before, or since.

(I learned the next day that it was seen and heard all over Melbourne.)

Moments later, it appeared that the heavens had opened, and extremely heavy rain came down.

Three Days

It did not let up for three days, and by the third day, things were so bad, that major freeways, and even the train lines were blocked by water and closed.

I literally could not get to work.

When I drove to the railway station to at least try, I saw the roads were starting to flood and streams of water were flowing across them.

I also noted that the banks of the nearby river were about ready to burst.

I heard that the forecast was for another three days of rain.

The last thing I wanted was for everywhere to become flooded. So, I sent the command for the rain to stop, and by the time I had gotten back from the station (a trip that would have taken 15 minutes or so), it had.

Fortunately, the waters receded very quickly, and in spite of the dire prediction, no more rain came.


I knew that I couldn’t be responsible this time for this incident and I have to say I was relieved and happy that I could so easily stop such storms.

I knew that Dragons had the power to control the weather, so I decided to check the Astral for Ben.

As I scanned, I suddenly felt a very angry dragon around me. I knew it was Ben. I’m not sure why he was so angry with me, except that maybe I had told him I was a Dragon and never mentioned anything about being The Phoenix.

I traced the lines and the storms appeared to have a direct connection to him.

The presence did not hang around very long, though. To this day, I am not sure exactly what was behind it all, and why he would have done this, but I can say that something was certainly up.

I can’t be certain of this,, but years later, I found out that Ben may have been an aspect of the god of Chaos, Apep. (Who, ironically, I’ve always gotten along with when he was in human form.)

In any case, it was a good example of using weather as a Psychic Attack.

Causing A Drought?

As a point of interest, whenever I used to take public transport, it rarely ever rained. Even back in 1982, when I had my first job.

I wonder if I was subconsciously stopping it from raining, thus causing a drought. Even now, it’s rare that it will rain when I go out. It will normally stop.

One more incident that I remember was that it was raining one time, and something on the net made me very angry. Moments later outside, I heard the rain get harder and harder. I calmed myself down and the rain immediately calmed down, too.

Next: More weather stuff.

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