136 – Psychic Attacks – Entitlement

Psychic Attacks of Entitlement

This is a series that looks at what Psychic Attacks are and what you can do regarding them. This entry we’ll focus on Attacks of Entitlement.

Special Snowflakes (Trigger Warning)

I’m sure we’ve all seen it (and if you haven’t, I envy you).

Someone is throwing a tantrum because they didn’t get what they believe they are entitled to.

Sometimes these people are referred to as Special Snowflakes. That is, someone who feels they are different from others, and should be treated differently.

The moment they don’t get their way, they go into a huge rage and make a very big deal about things.

Nowadays, the term Social Justice Warriors (SJW) may also be used to describe such people. In many cases, they act that way because they are under attack.


This type of Psychic Attack is like the Attack of Amplification. Though it works on your sense of entitlement.

It can turn normally stable and decent people into raving lunatics.

They perceive a slight to them, either accidently, inadvertently or by someone who is trolling or needling them, and they will erupt into a massive rage.

Or it may be for something that they have not earned, might be free, or may not even be intended for them.

Chat Room Ownership

Over the decades, I’ve participated, moderated, and even run several chat rooms. They were always free for the users, even though the owner would pay to keep it feature rich and running.

What was interesting was that those who were frequent users eventually claimed personal ownership for the room.

When new people would enter, the regulars would act like part of a clique and make people feel unwelcome.

Many times, I would see them claiming that it was their chat room and they owned it. They would become hostile and outraged when they felt they weren’t getting what they wanted.

There was even one user who threatened me when I disabled a Random Number Generator (due to spam reasons).

No One Owes You Anything

This is not unusual, and it has been around long before the Internet.

For instance, if there are free promotions for products or you get a free chance at a door prize, and the person misses out, they will become angry, argumentative and self-entitled. They will insist that it’s their right to whatever was freely offered.

This, I feel, is inane. Unless you have paid for something, been promised it, earned it, or worked for it, then no one owes you anything.

Road Rage

The Attack of Entitlement is also the basis of Road Rage, where the driver will become enraged to the point where they will drive dangerously and use their vehicle as a weapon.

They act as though they own the road. That they are the only driver with any rights and everyone else is just getting in their way and holding them up.

They forget that the road happens to be shared by millions of others. (Many who have the same sense of entitlement.)

Easy Pickings

This type of Psychic Attack does not take much to trigger in others. The Attack of Entitlement is often about magnifying a person’s sense of justice, fear of missing out, or anger that someone is getting what they are not.

As a result, this makes many people easy pickings for demonics.

The result is that people will act out of character. Or rather, they will act in a way that is toxic, anti-social, and hostile.

Szechuan Sauce

This can trigger fights, abuse, murders and even riots. A recent example of this was in 2017, when an episode of the popular Adult Swim cartoon, Rick and Morty, made a joke about bringing Szechuan Sauce back to McDonalds.

As a result, fans of the show, insisted that McDonalds bring it back. So, they did for one day. Fans lined up in droves. However, McDonalds severely underestimated the number of sauce packets they would need and the Rick and Morty fans revolted.


From a rational point of view, this type of sense of entitlement and anger is over the top. This was originally a sauce that was released as part of a promotion for the Disney movie, Mulan. It wasn’t very popular, and no one missed it once it went away.

It does give a perfect example, though of an attack of Entitlement.

Which gives rise to the question: Were all these people under a psychic attack?

I believe that it only takes several people to spark such an incident. Then it seems to catch on, like wildfire. Next thing you know, nearly everyone is feeling the same sense of entitlement and chaos ensues.


Not all Attacks of Entitlement are about Special Snowflakes or SJWs. There are groups with legitimate issues and grievances. They may have long perceived injustices and repressed anger.

In many cases, this may lead to riots.

Often, though, more harm than good ends up being the result, especially to the cause behind it.

The public gets their backs up, people get arrested, and the message can get lost among all the mess that it becomes.

If someone wished to discredit something, this is a sure path to doing so.

And while you may end up with changes, they may not always pan out the way you expect.

The repressors go underground, waiting for a time where they can reclaim what they believe belongs to them.

And thus, the cycle continues.

In Conclusion

The point of an Attack of Entitlement appears to be to create toxic energy and chaos. Anyone can be affected, especially if you are an Empath.

People may become triggered, particularly if there is a past trauma involved.

It is very common and examples of it are everywhere. Even the forwarding of out of context pictures and videos would count as such an attack.

Next time you feel outraged and triggered, take a moment and stop. Think about what is really going on. Check the facts from both sides and try to stay objective.

Remember, things are not always as they seem, and anger, fear and rage, solves nothing in the long run.

Next: Technology Attacks

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