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What Are Portals?
This is a series that looks at what Psychic Attacks are and what you can do regarding them. This entry we’ll focus on how Portals can be used to attack.
With the increase in reports of psychic attacks of late (as of November 2019), I’ve notice that there also appear to be an increase in Portals being opened.
Most people know Portals as something that is round, glowy and, if you enter them, will take you from one place to another, pretty much instantaneously.
The concept has been used extensively in science fiction stories and movies, and I’m sure most reading this will be able to recall an example or two, off the top of their head.
Just because they are used in fiction, does not mean they are not real.
As a side note, I’ve noted that an abundance of fantasy movies and shows hit extremely close to what exists in the Astral Reality. I don’t think this is coincidence. I believe that the writers either know more than they are letting on or had a collective understanding that is accessed by the Collective Consciousness. (The pool of energy that connects the denizens who live on this planet we call Earth.)
I’ve come across many portals over the years. They all seem to take on a similar look. They are either round or they look like a doorway.
In the Astral levels they can be various colors. I’ve even seen rainbow-colored ones.
In the 3D dimension, if one is present, it will shimmer slightly, and a sensitive will feel energy escaping or flowing in. (Like if you left the front door open in your home.)
They can be created by anyone with enough knowledge and power. Also, the better the conditions are for a Portal to exist, the easier they are to open.
Some are naturally present, and a few are considered major gateways to certain places and energies.
The natural ones are generally tightly secured by a Guardian who will be alerted if someone tries to use them. Such a being may be either Astral or in human form.
Some are known as “Gatekeepers,” though that title may also apply to those who guard knowledge or access to places such as the Akashic Records.
But Why?
So, you might ask, what is the purpose of creating a Portal? Humans can’t pass through them, surely?
That question aside for a moment, the reason they are used is to allow easy access between dimensions or timelines. They can also be opened to access energies that may be used for psychic attacks.
I have, on the odd occasion, had clients who have passed through portals, unwittingly, and ended up in a different reality, where they could not find their way home.
The place they ended up in, was different, but also the same.
For one of them, they only found their way back by pure luck.
Slipping Between Realities
Portals may be found where the energies of a place are naturally thin or unusual. You’ll often find that rituals, Satanic or otherwise, have taken place, and portals have opened as a natural consequence of those actions.
Portals may also occur in places such as the Earth’s major or minor chakras, where the energy is naturally high. (These are opposed to energy vortexes, which tend to be a different type of thing.)
There is a real danger of slipping between realities or timelines if you stumble through one.
This happened to me a lot when I used to visit Hanging Rock in Woodend, Melbourne, Australia, with a late friend, whose name was Paul.
I would also notice that, when he would go there on his own, what returned seemed to be a different version of him, along with different memories of events. It used to drive me crazy, even though I suspected what was going on.
Portal Attacks
Now we have a better understanding of what Portals are, let’s look at how they can be used for Psychic Attacks.
One way is to create a physical manifestation of some kind. It may be unexplained noises, people being oppressed or possessed, and objects may disappear or move.
Often, the target will feel activity in their room, or the energy will just feel “wrong.”
Those can be tricky to deal with because while you can close them, keeping them closed can be a challenge.
Used To Gain Access
Portals can also be opened in someone’s energy body. There have been many times that I’ve looked and found one in a client. This allows direct access to the target to either drain or manipulate their energies.
Generally, they go together with energy hooks and parasites. Such Portals can be opened by either Astral Beings or those who know what they are doing on the 3D level.
In any case, they are very annoying and can cause a massive drain.
Portals can also be used to gain access to an area that has been warded against attacks.
If the energy veils are thin enough, then it’s possible to bypass such protections.
Also, Portals can be attached to possessions and furniture. Bringing them into your home is akin to an Invitation.
(For more information on this subject, please see our podcast on haunted items.)
Mirrors are a typical example. They can not only house Portals, but also demonic beings or entities.
If one is suspected of causing trouble, remove it if possible. DO NOT BREAK IT! That will release any entity that would be trapped in there.
I’ve known people who were attacked by the entity when they broke the mirror they were housed in.
Before you attempt to dispose of them, find a way to bind it. If there is a Portal, see if you can close it first.
Then you can bury it unbroken. If you are confident in your ability to cleanse them, you can then shatter and bury it.
Closing Portals
What to do when you find you have a Portal causing trouble?
Closing it is the key.
I will try and explain how I do that.
Generally, I can just sense them, and I close them with Intention. You don’t have to focus that much effort into doing it, it’s more visualization and sealing them.
I’ve been lucky that others can see when I do this and verify my success the moment I have done so.
If you cannot find someone who can sense Portals, then see if you can feel anything that feels off or weird, energy-wise. Visualize it the best you can, then close it.
The Source
If you can find the source of the Portal, then dealing with that will certainly help.
Portals are like doors. If someone can open it, then closing it again will not stop them from reopening it. We need to find out who or what is behind it. That can be tricky.
Tracing energy lines is one way, but that can take a lot of psychic energy, so if you are running low, or overwhelmed by other things, it can be a challenge.
In Conclusion
Portals are just another tool in the arsenal of Psychic Attacks. Being aware of them can help you deal with such things. You don’t have to believe they are real to be affected by them.
The more you practice detecting them, the better you get, and the easier it becomes to deal with them.
Next: More Psychic Attacks
[…] not only allows portals to be opened more easily, but also gives rise to the increasing amount of Psychic […]