Apathy Attacks
This is a series that looks at what Psychic Attacks are and what you can do regarding them. This entry we’ll focus on what an Apathy Attack is.
An Apathy Attack is used to discourage someone from doing something that may be beneficial to either themselves or others. It may even be something that makes a profound difference to this world.
It might be a project, like a book, movie, music, or art. It can also be as simple as needing to talk out a concern, or a problem that is on your mind.
Typical signs of an Apathy Attack may be along the lines of the target being convinced that they are not good enough and no one will be interested in what they have to say.
They may think:
“Why would they listen to me?”
“I don’t see what difference it will make.”
“What is the point?”
“It’s a waste of time.”
“If no one else can see it, then maybe I’m wrong.”
These types of thoughts are a red flag.
Big Difference
In my experience and observation, Apathy Attacks are a sign that doing the activity will make a difference and a big one.
Years ago, I knew someone who claimed that he had done something so terrible, that he could not bring himself to talk of it.
He said he was going to tell his Psychiatrist. When I next asked him how it went, he said: “I didn’t tell her. I couldn’t see what difference it would make.”
I believe it would have made all the difference. It’s the little things that add up. Those seemingly minor events can lead to massive outcomes and changes.
As it went, things got worse for him and to my knowledge, he never recovered psychologically. Perhaps he would have if he had been able to offload what was on his mind.
Apathy Attacks are hard to counter, because the target is inclined to dismiss what they should be doing.
Victimhood takes over and depression kicks in.
Demons Do Not Exist
Appropriately, the week I was writing this entry, a good example of a Apathy Attack occurred.
A group of people I was working with tried to convince me that demons did not exist and that they were just a state of mind.
They ignored anything I countered with and stated that this was my truth, but not theirs.
Then one of them asked if I wanted to raise my vibrations to a higher level so I could have a greater perspective on things.
Who knows, I might have found this insulting if I had not been somewhat amused.
I suggested that maybe he should do a little homework on what I had experienced before making condescending statements.
The point here was that no one took any trouble to find out what I knew. They just assumed I was wrong.
It’s possible that their antipathy towards me could have been an Apathy Attack to prevent them from becoming aware of what may have been helpful for them.
Of course, I’m not discounting that they were just arrogant jerks who felt that they knew better than everyone else.
It’s equally possible they were sent to discourage me from doing what I do. To make me think, “what’s the point?” or “maybe I’m wrong.”
I’ve come across similar statements from others who are spiritually minded. Warnings to be careful as we create our own reality and will fall victim to it.
However, observation is very different to creating. In fact, it wasn’t until more recently that I realized that demonics, angelics, and gods did exist.
If I was going off what my expectations were and the reality I was creating; then none of what I ended up experiencing should have or could have happened.
Special Snowflakes
Unless someone has lived your experiences, your life and felt what you have felt; then they do not have the right to tell you that you are wrong.
Still, the World is full of people who will not only tell you how wrong you are, and why you should not do or try something; but they, themselves, often have failed to produce any tangible successes in their own life.
When it comes to spiritual people, the world seems to be full of fluffy, special snowflakes that refuse to acknowledge that Dark is just as much as a valid part of this realm as Light.
Such is the nature of Apathy Attacks. They not only discourage and discredit what we are doing but provide no viable alternatives.
Pure Intentions
The source of an Apathy Attack can occur on both our 3D level and from the Astral.
If you have a dream, pursue it. It doesn’t matter if you feel that no one will care, that there is no point, or you are making a fool of yourself.
What counts is that, if your intentions are pure, and you are striving to make a difference, there will be someone out there who will thank you for doing what you have done.
Don’t Give In
In conclusion, it’s worth remembering that there are parties out there with vested interests in keeping control and stopping knowledge or innovation from getting out there.
Chances are, if you are feeling disillusioned and that what you are doing will not make a difference, then it’s highly likely that it will.
Next: Another type of psychic attack
[…] I’m wasting my time, doing what I’m doing, and there is no point. (This is an extension on Apathy […]