127 – Psychic Attacks – Hive Mind

Hive Mind

This is a series that looks at what Psychic Attacks are and what you can do regarding them. This entry we’ll focus on what a Hive Mind psychic attack is.

Barely A Day Goes By

When I began writing this series, I envisioned it as a quick entry, maybe spreading over two parts. But the more I wrote, the more I realized there was a major need, right now, to get this information out there and in as much detail as possible.

As of writing this, October 2019, barely a day goes by where someone does not ask me for aid to deal with a psychic attack.

Also, more and more, the reports I am getting with the signs I am seeing; point to the End of Days cycle.

All we can do is keep moving forward.


For the purpose of this entry, the definition of a Hive Mind is a collective that is controlled or influenced by one main force. That may be a single being or a group collective, such as a Council.

On the Astral levels, the energy connection is instant, and communication does not generally require words. That means that all who are connected to a Hive Mind Source will know what is going on and are able to share information as needed.


On the 3D levels though, it is much harder to have that kind of flow. Those who are part of the Hive Mind will only be aware of what is going on, collectively, on an Intuitive level. They will be very unlikely to know, or understand, that they are part of this type of group.

This will not stop them from being influenced, though. They will respond to commands but may not understand there are others involved.

Body and Soul

What is happening here is that the body is being used as part of a Hive Mind Attack.

In many cases, the body has no Soul in it, and it is being controlled remotely, as part of a Hive Mind. (You can tell by looking in someone’s eyes and seeing if they look lifeless or not.)

It’s also possible the Host Soul has been oppressed and is not in control.

Do not confuse the Soul with a body. They are not the same thing. That is like confusing a car with the driver.

The Enticer

Hive Mind attacks are very annoying. Especially if you don’t know or believe that they exist.

Let us look at a couple of examples of these types of attacks that I have observed.

Let’s say the target of the attack does something innocent, without malicious intent, because they are being encouraged to do so. It can be anything, really. However, there will be someone enticing him into those actions.

The Enticer will suddenly turn around and claim that the target acted inappropriately. Then, seemingly on cue, their friends (which may be mutual to both parties) will support The Enticer.

It does not matter whether the complaint is legitimate or not. They will spout off the same words and arguments, as though someone has given them a script from which to read off.

If the target is not careful, they will react with outrage, anger, and frustration, albeit; digging a hole that has always been intended for them.

Attack on the Ego

Let’s look at another example.

This one is when a group of seemingly independent people, suddenly give you the same message. What they say is designed to either stroke your ego or destroy it.

Either way, the goal is to try and pull you off your path or discourage you from what you are trying to do.

I’ve experienced such attacks a few times.

Four people, with no real connection to each other, suddenly told me I was false, full of ego.

They said I should stop what I’m doing as it was evil. (And yes, I am paraphrasing here, but they all used the same key words.)

Once again, it’s like everyone is reading from a badly written script.

The only things these people had in common was that I had helped each of them for free, sometimes, sending them remedies or gifts to help their quality of life.


I am sure that the attack was meant to not only discourage me from helping people, but also make me doubt myself.

Of course, when the attack makes little to no sense, and nothing resonates, then it will not stand up under any real scrutiny.

To me, it was blatant what was going on. I cut ties with those people right away.

I was validated, a few weeks later, when one of the attackers, approached me one day and apologized for what they had said.

He claimed that he had been taken over by something and was freed when a being of light came to him.

When I asked him what the intention of the attack was, he said it was to discredit me.

While I knew this was what was behind it, it was nice to get confirmation and validation of what I felt.

As to who was behind it, I have my thoughts, but I’ll keep them to myself for now.

Red Flags

Another example is when everyone comes to you with a problem when you are trying to get something vital done.

It seems that they all wait in a group, awaiting a signal. You can be free all day, then the moment something important comes up, they will all message or call you at the same time with similar issues.

What is important here is, it’s one group, or being, controlling many bodies at the same time, with the same type of message.

When this happens, it should raise red flags.


Hive Mind attacks tend to rely on its target falling into a victim mode or encouraging them to act in a way that may be detrimental to their goals or reputation.

Standing in your own power, and not allowing others to define who you are, or who you wish to be, is important for dealing with such attacks.

Many give their power away too easily to others. They seek approval and, when they do not get it, become dispirited.

The only approval you need is your own. The rest is just gravy.

Next: Reality Attacks

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