116 – Belief Systems: Tips and Warnings

Belief Systems:   Tips and Warnings

This series looks at creating a new Belief System. In this entry, we are looking at useful tips and warnings so you will know what to avoid.

When creating a new Belief System, there are some things that you should be aware of. Things that may happen when the manifesting begins.

Those who tell you about the Laws of Attraction, tend to make it sound so easy. Books, such as The Secret  by Rhonda Byrne, is guilty of doing this.

You are generally told that your thoughts create your reality and all you have to do to manifest something is to just believe and have faith.

It’s a little more complex than that, or at least it is in my personal experience.  There are things that they don’t tell you.

Manifesting Can Take Time

Yes, it’s true. There is often a lag between asking for something and it coming into your life. Depending on your mastery, it can take hours, days, weeks or years.

There are many reasons for this. Let’s look at a few.

Timing is everything. Things may need to be set up on many levels. If you are, for example, asking for your Soul partner to appear in your life, you may find you are not quite as ready as you believe for them.

You might have some personal healing to do. Perhaps they do, too.

If you both met before that was done, the relationship could become toxic and fall apart. A Soul Mate does not automatically mean happiness, especially if there is a lot of baggage to deal with.

This leads us to the next thing that may occur.

Things Will Appear to Fall Apart

When you ask for change, your current situation might have to transform into a new one to accommodate what is coming.

This will look as though things are falling apart. Instead of the joy and promised solutions to your problems, they seem to get worse.

What is really happening here is that the old is being removed to make way for the new. You can’t have a new house without first demolishing the old.

As anyone who has lived through buildings or renovations will tell you, this can be quite traumatic. So be aware this may happen, and ask for the changes to be gentle, so you can cope.

Yes, you will get what you want, but things may have to drastically change to allow it.

This might include:

  • Healing from traumatic past events in your life.
  • Old relationships and friendships falling apart.
  • A change in your living situation.
  • Losing your job so you might follow another path.

The point is, that change is often difficult and painful.  As a rule, we don’t like it. There is a tendency to resist change.

However, you can’t have a new reality without change.

The key here is to embrace what is happening to you, no matter how dark it may seem right now. Understand that this is needed in order to move forward. That those things you are losing are no longer needed.

On that note, please be sure to safeguard those things you love. It’s all too easy to invoke something that you did not intend.

Always state that what you are asking for is for the highest good for all concerned.

Observation vs. Belief

Here is one of the traps that many fall into, and indeed may make them feel angry when people talk about the Laws of Attraction, Manifesting, or your Belief System.

You might make the statement:   I believe I have plenty of money.

Your mind will tell you:   No. No, you don’t.

Logic will confirm this, and you will feel frustration, bitterness and anger at those who seem to think it should be so easy and expect you to be in denial of your current situations.

What we need to do here is accept where we are right now.

Yes, you may not have money. That is your observation and it is most likely accurate.

It’s not until you acknowledge where you are currently at, that you can begin to change things.

What you are doing is making a statement that this is your new reality. Yes, I don’t have money right now, and that’s okay. It is coming and I will have it as needed.


Come from a place of love instead of fear.

This is very important. I can’t stress this one enough. The energy that you use to manifest your new reality is vital and fear may very well taint it.  

Let’s take money again, as an example.

Supposing you want to buy something. Maybe the latest smartphone. You have the money, but you think to yourself, I can buy it, but I can’t afford it really. But desire for this latest gadget is strong so you buy it anyway.

You have two options here. You can hand over the money with a sense of fear that you shouldn’t be doing this, or you can tell yourself:   There’s more of that where it came from.

Now, I’m not advocating that you go out and spend recklessly. I’m saying that if you desire something, manifest it, and the money will come.


This goes for anything.

There have been plenty of times I’ve given money away, ordered products on someone’s behalf (when they could not afford it) or bought something that required a reasonable cash outlay.

Each time, I trusted in The Universe to look after me and have my back. It has always come through for me in the unlikeliest of ways.

This has included several windfalls that have given me the resources I needed to move forward in my life.

This has been a constant since 1982.


There is one caveat to this, though. Always check with your intuition (or what one may consider their feelings), if you are in doubt. If you are not meant to do something, you will feel uneasy or anxious about doing it.

This may be due to reasons that you are not aware of. You may not know why you shouldn’t do something, but your intuition does.

Don’t ignore your intuition, even if you don’t like what it’s telling you. It is the key to you moving forward in a safe and productive way.

Your intuition is the G.P.S. of your soul. It has your route mapped out and knows where you should go, and what you should avoid.

This applies for all your choices about your new Belief System. Run it through your intuition first. It will tell you if you should proceed or not. It’s the surest way to get to where you are going, and not stray from your chosen path.

Come from a place of intuition, love and trust when making your affirmations. Fill those intentions with positive energies and the rest will follow.

So, come from a place of love and trust when making your affirmations. Fill those intentions with positive energies and the rest will follow.

Next: The final entry of this series will look at an example of a new Belief System.

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