112 – Belief Systems – Be Careful of Free Will

Free Will

Our Belief System creates reality and reality reinforces our beliefs. This is created through our Free Will. This is important on several levels because our minds tend to block us when we see something we cannot accept. We look at what this really means in this entry.


One of the biggest lessons I learned back in the mid-90s was that if you want to change your reality, then you first need to change your Belief System.

To understand why we may want to do this, we first must look at what it exactly is.

As aspects of the Source (e.g., we are all from the same place) it is said we have Free Will.

This is often misunderstood because of what Free Will is, has been twisted to mean something that does not resemble it at all.

In a nutshell, Free Will is the ability to create any experience you choose. It can be on any dimensional level and in any way.

From what I can see, the only restrictions that apply, are the Laws of Physics, that exist on the Third Dimension. You must work within their context.

The 3D is more restrictive in that way, when compared to the 5D where we use Lightbodies instead of the human flesh shell we all know and love.

For instance, if you state that you want to use your body to jump to the moon, then this experience is very unlikely to occur. It would be very hard to overcome gravity or even survive such a journey.

Most will accept this as fact, though some might use it as an argument to say that if Free Will exists, then why can’t we do this?

But who knows? It’s possible that at some point in time, something might come along to make this possible. Unlikely, but then, many of the advances we have seen are just as improbable.

If there is indeed a way to make this happen, then Free Will will unlock the means and the way. It just will take time to manifest.

Give Their Power Away

I raise this as an example because it may be used as an argument to say that Free Will cannot exist.

And thus, some will smugly disprove its existence, and give their power away by doing so.

I should point out, though, that in your Lightbody form, you can jump to the moon. It’s just that the physics of the 3D are not designed for our human body to do so.

It is said that the Universe never says, “No,” to your idea about yourself.

This means that what we believe to be true will eventually manifest, given enough time, intention and energy.

On the most base levels, we are creating in every moment of every day. We are not only creating our reality, but also co-creating it with others.

This means we can have at least two versions of reality. Our personal one, and the one that is experienced as a group, whether large or small.

Our Free Will allows us to create, and our Belief System tends to direct our Free Will.

Why Is This Important?

You might ask, why is this important? Who cares? It sounds like a lot of old mumbo jumbo.

Those are good questions and need to be asked.

It’s important because the lack of understanding of how it all works will trap you in a reality of your own making. This applies, not only to the 3D levels, but also at the end of your life.

Free Will works at all levels, though there are exceptions for who it will work for. This is by design.

For instance, Angelics who serve the Source or Demonics who are there to represent Chaos, cannot have it. They gave up their Free Will to provide a service for this reality. They will be compelled to obey their prime directives, so to speak.

But even making that choice required their own Free Will. A choice they could reverse if they chose to do so.

But then, they would not be qualified to serve those positions they have agreed to.

For those of us who have Free Will, we can get to experience anything, as long as the conditions allow it, and there is always some level of reality where conditions will be perfect.

Any Experience

Having Free Will is a double-edged sword. It cuts both ways. Yes, you can create any experience you like.  However, if you are not aware of this power and do not know what you are doing; then you may create terrible, soul crushing events.

You will find yourself in situations without understanding why they have happened.

On the 3D, there is a lag between calling forth an experience and when it will occur. It can take days, weeks or even years, but, at some point, we always get what we ask for, even if we are asking for things we really may not want.

The speed of manifestation in this World depends on your level of mastery. The more adept you are, the quicker the results will be.

No Substance

On the Astral levels, it’s different. Things manifest instantly and often completely. So complete that we may not even know that it’s an illusion.

However, that reality has no substance. There is no weight behind it. It can easily be dispelled, if you have enough self-awareness and are stronger than those who created or co-created the reality.

The Point

And this is the point I am making. If you limit yourself to what you believe can be, then you will not only experience it on the 3D level, but also in your Afterlife.

If you do not believe in an Afterlife, God, gods, Demonics, Angelics, Astral Worlds and so on, then you will not experience them.

However, that does not mean you will not be a part of them or that those types of beings cannot see you, or mess with you. You can become trapped by their machinations.

Hell exists on the lower Astral planes. It’s not a place where you will burn for eternity for your sins, but you certainly can experience it, nonetheless.

There are various types of Hell, but that’s not my area of expertise.

The Hell I am referring to here is where you will become trapped in a reality of your own making. This reality is based on your desires, beliefs and your general awareness of what is outside of yourself.

Protect Yourself

If you do not believe in an Afterlife, God, gods, Demonics, Angelics, Astral worlds and so on, then you will not experience them. However, that does not mean you will not be a part of them or that those types of beings cannot see you, or mess with you. You can become trapped by their machinations.

This is why our Belief Systems are so important. It will give you back your power and the ability to protect yourself against such things.

Next Entry: We look at the three rules when creating a Belief System.

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