111 – Is Declaring Who I Am An Ego Trip?

Ego Trip

Is declaring your past lives, who you are, and that you were considered a historical god important or just an ego trip? I explore this question in this entry.

I’m sure there are some out there who might be thinking to themselves: “That Gary Leigh… Why would he say he is The Phoenix Source and a god?  If that were true, surely, he wouldn’t say such a thing. Wouldn’t he be humble about it? Surely, he’s just on an ego trip.”

And, yes… There is certainly a perception that if you state your achievements and you were someone of note, then you can’t be the real deal because the genuine article would never do such a thing.

That’s assuming that you don’t think that I’m delusional or doing this because I’m looking for attention.

Reasonable Questions

Those are reasonable questions and there are reasons why I do this.

Yes, it’s true that I openly declare who I am.  I don’t hide it when people ask.  However, at the same time, it’s not as though I make a point of telling people either.

As far as I’m aware, there are no Universal Laws or rules that state you must deny who you are.

More importantly, I am not claiming to be a Master, Ascended or otherwise. No true Master would make that claim as they know they are always learning.

I let my actions, and results speak for themselves.

Attention Seeking Narcissist

It took me a very long time to share my experiences.  First, because I did not think that anyone would believe me and second, I felt awkward and embarrassed about doing so.

My stories seem to become more bizarre, and unlikely, as time goes on.  While they are all true, I felt that others would just look at me as someone who was an attention seeking narcissist.

I did tentatively start writing some of my stories in the early 2000s, but still felt embarrassed about them.  I did not “own” them, so to speak.

Eventually, I went ahead and shared more because I decided that fear was not a good enough reason not to do something and maybe it would help others who were experiencing similar things.  Therefore, they would know they were not alone.


Then one day in 2004, my Guides told me that it was time to declare myself.  For me to progress further on my path, I had to let the 3D and 5D levels know I was out there.

In their words:   The importance of declaring yourself to the Universe is that you are allowing your energies to seed and take hold of the greater reality. You are taking responsibility for who you really are and not hiding behind a veneer.

The Dolphins Cry (Live)

There was also a song by Live called The Dolphins Cry, that I was very drawn to at the time. It was one of those songs that held many hidden meanings for me.

In it was a line that I took to heart.

“It don’t matter who you are if you only run for cover.  It’s just a waste of time…”

For me, that meant that you could be the most amazing Being out there, but if you sat on your hands and did nothing, because you were more intent on avoiding trouble, or fearful of the consequences, then you might as well not be around.

Back Up My Claims

While I did not know I was Geb, I did know I was The Phoenix by that point. I could no longer deny that reality.

I knew that my Guides were right.  It was time to send this declaration out there and hide, no longer.

I also did this because I had now received ample proof of who I was. And while I was always on the lookout for something that would disprove any of it, I was confident enough to back up my claims.

Also, it’s who I am. I know this as a solid fact.

Same for when I finally had enough proof for being Geb. In fact, I overcompensated by waiting and searching for more evidence than was necessary.

I remember mentioning who I was in a Starseed forum (which is now defunct). Someone responded that if that was so, then I must declare myself. The fact that he used the exact same words as my Guides had a decade before was not lost on me.

Basic Reasons

To have credibility, do my mission, and get information out; there are other, more basic reasons why I tell people who I am.

  • There really is no gain in hiding. My enemies know exactly where and who I am. They have always known and used that to their advantage when I did not remember.
  • As already stated, I have overwhelming evidence that it is so. I also know it on a Soul level.
  • It allows people to find me, should they wish to seek me out. Many who I have known in past incarnations have found this helps them to, not only remember me, but also who they are, and how they all fit in.
  • If this is who I am, then why should I pretend otherwise? It’s like saying a movie star, famous scientist or person of renown, that is alive today, should not admit he is that person because it’s just ego talking.

Of course, doing so would be ridiculous, unless you are in a Witness Protection Program or have a genuine reason for hiding your identity.

Also, I am not trading off past glories in other lifetimes. I have done more than enough of note and significance in this one, too.

In the end, I don’t really care if people believe me or not. It’s like saying that you would care if people did not believe you are who you say you are. You know it’s a fact. It doesn’t change it if they deny it. (Unless you’re applying for a loan, or something that needs proof of identity.)

Act Human

While I may be Geb and The Phoenix, I am also in a human body, and I am having all the emotions and experiences that humans tend to have. Hence, I will act human at times.

I have the same problems, traumas, hopes, dreams as many others do. Anger and frustration is part of life, and I am not immune to it.

What I’m saying here is that, to make a difference, I must put myself out there and risk the disbelief and ridicule.

I deal with truth and do my utmost to stick to the facts as I understand them. It is who I am, and who I have always been.

That doesn’t mean I am not having a human experience and I am perfect. I’m not. I can’t be. But I’m doing the best I can.

That is all I can do.

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