102 – End of Days – Unconditional Love

What Is Love?

This series of articles will discuss Attunement and certain perspectives you should be open to consider should the End of Days actually occur.  For those who decide to continue reading this entry, I intend to offer advice on options you should seriously consider and the reasoning behind it. This particular entry will focus on Unconditional Love and what is love?

Always come from a place of Unconditional Love.

Yes, I know I’ve gone on about this before; but honestly, I can’t stress enough how important this concept is.

Unconditional Love is a hard one for many. Few really understand what it means. Even fewer wish to do so. I’ve seen some outright reject the suggestion, claiming they would rather have justice and revenge.

Unconditional Love is not the love we are familiar with. It is an acceptance of everything “as is,” and its place in things, be it negative or positive. It’s the non-judgment of everyone. Accepting where they are at.


It’s important to not judge.

You might ask why? After all, isn’t everything a judgment of some kind?

In actual fact, judgments are an opinion based on your current Belief System, where you are comparing someone’s behavior to how you believe things should be.

This is very different to observation, where you are stating what you are seeing without tainting it with your own morals and opinions.

When we make a judgment, we are effectively stating that our view of the world is the correct one and other views are wrong.

However, the world does not work in such black and white tones. What might be true for one may not be so for another.

This is especially true for our cultures and how we are expected to act socially based on where we live.

Anyone who has lived in several places will discover that their behaviors from home are not always well received in another country. Nor are the laws the same and most certainly attitudes are, more often than not, very different.

Who is right? Is anyone right? Is anyone wrong?

Our politics and laws reflect our spirituality as a whole. The way we help our own, and then others, reflect just who we are as a people.

It is always changing.

Soul Level

When one comes from a place of Unconditional Love, seeks balance, and looks to uplift society in this world as a whole; then things will begin to flourish.

I also feel it is not enough to state such love, superficially. Talk is cheap. Making a difference to others and doing what you feel called upon to do is important.

Not everyone will want to buy into your world view. Many will choose to engage the dramas, the ups and downs of life.

And this is fine. We are not privy to what they are doing on a Soul Level or what their purpose here is.

For all you know, their sole job may be to give you contrast as to who you are and who you are not.

Everything has its place.

Whether it be a manifestation of the Collective Conscious or that irritant in the oyster that produces the pearl, it exists because it needs to. When there is no longer any requirement for it, it will no longer be present.

If something is negative, it will always remain until we either learn how to deal with it in a loving way (that is, embracing it, but not necessarily condoning it), or until is it reconciled.

If you try to destroy it, and even if you succeed, it will simply manifest itself as another form in another time. Perhaps, even, in another lifetime.

Unconditional Love is key to preventing this.

Destroying Evil

A Lightworker or a spiritual warrior will tell you the importance of destroying evil, the dark or demonics. They fail to see the irony in what they are doing.

By seeking to fight, they become that which they have condemned.

They have engaged in a judgment based on what they believe is true.

Still, one might argue that if we do not fight, then evil will take over.

To that I say, there is a difference between seeking to destroy and defending.

Most things in this world exist because we have created the conditions for them to appear. Whether this is done on the 3D dimensional level or the Astral Planes, they will remain until conditions change.

Even those despot regimes could not exist if those who supported it chose not to.

Still, there will always be those who will do so because they feel they will get the benefit. A choice is made and that will always have long term consequences, even beyond this life.

The problem with whether to choose to fight, conquer, or live and let live, is that we have created a world where such choices are not simplistic.


From a pure perspective, it is incredibly naïve to say, “If we come from a place of peace, then things will sort themselves out.”  I really wish it were that easy, but if you have any investment in living in the reality you are in, then it never is.

Peace is one of those words that can be deceptive. It simply means the absence of active conflict, but may not mean contentment, fulfilment, or joy.

If there is an undercurrent of discontent that is not dealt with, eventually that will reach a critical mass.

In my view, peace is not equal to Unconditional Love.

A critical mass is where enough energy will collect on a certain subject or matter and then manifest itself in some way.

This could be war, terrorist attacks, revolutions or even natural disasters such as earthquakes or devastating storms.

Believe it or not, many such things are enhanced by all the anger, hatred and desire for revenge that come from humans as a whole.

Devastating Outcomes

We are way more powerful than we can comprehend. How we react to situations has long term, and sometimes, devastating outcomes.

On some worlds, when the denizens are attacked, they will simply lay down their body and shift to another reality or timeline. They know that death is an illusion and that they can choose another outcome where the conditions that had just occurred will not do so again. They follow Universal Law, which includes Unconditional Love.

In other words, they have shifted vibrationally to another level.

And this is the issue. How do you react to things when you desire to be here? When you have a vested interest in staying in a world just the way it is?

Yes, it’s one thing if you don’t care if your body is destroyed, but many are here because they like it. We have attachments to this World. We love the highs, the lows, the dramas, the victories and spiritual growth that may be difficult to experience elsewhere.

Many also have a vested interest in keeping this World the way it is. That might be due to their belief, who they are as a Soul, or because they don’t know any other way, and they believe it’s better the devil you know.

Also, who is anyone to say what is “right” and what is “wrong.” Good and Evil are relative terms and are not and cannot be absolute within themselves.

Light Is Good And Darkness Is Bad…

There are also beings of Light who truly believe that all darkness and demonics must be destroyed. And demonics who would love nothing better than to destroy all Light because they represent, not only a threat, but are also irritating to be around.

Some you cannot change. It’s hardwired into who they are. Angelics fall into the “Light is good, and darkness is bad,” type category. You also have demons, who tend to be assholes and are proud of that fact.

If you happen to be human or have incarnated into a body (as opposed to having walked in), then you have a choice. You have Free Will and you can use that to decide who you are and who you wish to be in the face of all events.

As a Collective, you can decide the direction this World will take.

We all have an individual responsibility on some level for what is happening. Every action, every choice, every decision adds to the Collective Consciousness. Once there is enough energy, things will hit that critical mass, and manifest itself.

Even a small group thinking in a like minded way may be enough to make a difference, even if they might not be aware of it in the greater scheme of things.

The Best Advice

The best advice I can give to anyone who seeks the highest outcomes for themselves is to always come from a place of Unconditional Love and understand that anything based on fear will be tainted.

As strange as it seems, the Universe has our back. Most have forgotten this or do not believe it. I can say, in my experience, it’s a fact.

So, Unconditional Love, compassion, and understanding is the key. It is also tricky and hard because it means we must let go of what we believe in, and feel should happen.

Next: Universal Law Part 1

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