56 – The goddess ISIS – The Hype And A Rant!


ISIS is one of those goddesses who is universally loved and adored by all. This is quite an achievement because, in reality, she’s a narcissistic, egocentric, and a self-centred psychopath.

Like most gods, ISIS has plenty of Avatars. You can spot them because they all look and act very similar. They also have a tendency to urge others to kill me. (Yes, literally!) Though to be fair, that would only be around 75% of them.

I also readily admit that my views on ISIS will be biased, due to the constant troubles and attacks she’s foisted on me.


I met one of them in 2015. She called herself Aurora. (A name I’ve always liked. It was also one of the chosen names of the Apep Avatar from the New Zealand incident, as chronicled in my I am The Phoenix book.)

She had found me through someone named Nick who claimed to be one of the Phoenix / Dragon hybrids (as also mentioned in my book) and claimed that I had given her that name. It was barely a day before she was encouraging Nick to kill me. Seemed to be a recurring pattern.

One of the main ISIS avatars was called Kelly. I met her online back around 2006. Synchronistically, I met her in person in 2017. She happened to be visiting the exact same place I was. I took her out for a brunch.

She spent the entire time trying to convince me how evil Seth was. I’m not sure if she knew exactly who I was, as it had not come up, but she knew she was ISIS and that I was Phoenix.

Sour Grapes

I guess you could call it sour grapes for dismembering her husband, Osiris, but there were good reasons for that to happen, from what I was able to remember. (Something I will discuss later.)

It was soon after, she messaged and accused me of energy harvesting, and running a cult. I blocked her after that.

Many have accused me of running a cult. All I can say to that is, if I am, I’m doing a really crappy job at it. I have no followers. I have no infrastructure, and it is costing money, rather than making me any!

I guess ISIS gets her narcissism from her mother NUT. The main difference, though, is that NUT has high ethics and standards. She also appears to have humanities interest at heart. ISIS, on the other hand, is petty, manipulative, and has a habit of twisting the truth to her own ends.


When an ISIS aspect is young, they get what they want by using their glamor. This is a method of making themselves appear radiant and attractive. For the unwary, they become almost irresistible.

Fae (and ISIS is a Fae) are masters at using glamor and many is the time I’ve been entranced by glamor. Once you know it’s glamor though, you can see through it, and the beauty fades. You see what is really there and it’s often not pretty.

The Curse

From what I can recall, RA was her father (not Geb as mythology suggests). I don’t remember much about RA, except I didn’t agree with him much and we had our differences.

From what I recall, Ra, (along with others) cursed me (Geb) to force the separation between me and NUT. (This also affected my relationship with The Gaia.) It seemed that Ra wanted NUT for himself.

Such curses eventually end, and then rebound. I believe this one ended in 2021. That’s a good twenty thousand years of curse. I would not like to be those who participated in it.

In my book, “I am The Phoenix”, my guides, The Dakini, told me that ISIS was the flipside of my energy. Because of that, they were loyal to her. This was well before I began looking into the gods and had an inkling on who I might be. It always amazes me how all the pieces fit so neatly together.

Flipside Of My Energy

It’s interesting for me to note that both things are valid. ISIS, being a child of NUT, does make her part of my Soul. (Though believe me, this is not romantic in any way.)

Also, the main avatar that I met actually was married to a male Dakini (called a Daka) who felt it was his job to look after and protect her. Why that is, though, I do not fully understand. At least not yet.

Not many of us, allies or otherwise, have good memories of ISIS. She’s been active throughout history in one form or another.

One notable example is Cleopatra. I remember watching a documentary about her and I thought to myself: That’s ISIS.

I found out years later that she was indeed considered to be that goddess incarnate.

My daughter, the goddess Nephthys, remembers a lot about ISIS. I asked her to write me something on that subject. I felt it was time to set the record straight and reveal what really went on back then.

Next entry will focus on that.

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