55 – Mars Attacks: Further Musings (Part 3)

Please see the previous entry to make sense of this one.

The Phoenix Feedback

Phoenix energy is powerful. Those who can successfully carry and wield it are rare. It can either be used to create, heal, protect, or utterly destroy and wipe out things.

I am The Phoenix Source. I am also Geb. This means my children were also Phoenii. Those include well known beings such as Horus the Elder, Osiris, Seth and Nephthys. (As mentioned, ISIS was not my child, so she does not carry any Phoenix energy. Her powers are due to her Fae / Succubus nature and the use of glamour.)

It took me a long time to accept that I was The Source, but once I did, it dawned on me that Phoenix Energy should not be misused. In 2012, I made the decision that this power could only be used in the way it was meant to be and could no longer be used as a weapon.

I set the intention and made it so. (Mari picked up on that I had done so, very quickly, and made mention of it to me.)

I feel I should know who Mars really is. I suspect that he’s either Horus the Elder, has a connection, or is one of those beings who merged with two or more energies to become something new.

Either way, I had a strong feeling that Mars was carrying Phoenix Energy. I also felt he was about to attack me with it so I warned him it would not work.

I felt nothing when he did so, but what it did, was rebound on the source of the attack. Hence the incredible pain Ecclasia felt when she woke up and why I was able to remove that energy and heal her within a few seconds.

The Dragon

Mars spoke of a dragon. It was one I was familiar with, but I am not ready to name without her consent. The best I can say for now that it’s Mari’s guide.

Even though this dragon does not have her own body, all of us are familiar with her. Mari has the closest connection to her, and considers the dragon a protector.

What bothered me about my exchange with Mars was that he claimed I had made her weak. And quite honestly, I am not sure what that even means.

This is part of the problem. I don’t recall as much as I should. It’s one of the problems with incarnating with no memory and being in a limited human body that can only contain so much information at any one time. (I’m pretty sure that’s what Mars meant when he said it made me weak. In a sense, he is right, but not completely.)

Looking at my agreements, though, I do seem to have one with this particular dragon. (Hence why it’s appears in my life as soul agreements will make that happen.)

I can only speculate on what it was, but it seems that for some reason, I crippled her power. My sense is that it was done because it was needed, and when the time is right, she will be restored. When she is, she will be very powerful again. Other than that, she’s just your typical dragon with a dragon’s wit and attitude.

In Conclusion

The fallout of all this has yet to be seen, but I feel it’s not the end of it. In recent years, I’ve knocked more than a few noses out of joint and I doubt they will just leave me be.

Do I regret doing it? Yes and no. Someone has to do it. Someone has to try and undo the damage that has been done to this world and its denizens. Someone has to stand up to those who believe they have absolute power and authority.

Besides, they made the first moves. They moved to entrap, deceive and bind me when I was vulnerable. I guess they can’t really be blamed for being opportunistic, but for the same token, they have no right to whine about my actions either. Still, sociopaths and narcissists tend to be Grade A hypocrites.

In any case, I must continue. Power is useless if you’re just running for cover.

If it helps free and heal this world, then it will be worth it.

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