52 – Mars Attacks

I was having trouble remembering everything that happened 
for this particular entry, so I asked Ecclasia
to contribute. 


2017 was a wild ride for me. Old relationships ended (sadly) and new ones were forged. 

I had spent that year in the USA, Australia and Canada. I found that Toronto was not working out for me, so I made plans to head back home.

I decided this would be a good time to meet up with my colleagues Ecclasia and Mari.

We spent a month together which was both sublime and exhausting; Mari and Ecclasia kept getting themselves into trouble and I was left to fix things.

[Notes from Ecclasia]: He rolled his eyes a lot during that month.

One incident of note began when we were driving around at night.  Mari had noticed what appeared to be a large, shadowy houndlike wolf.  It had run across the road around the corner next to her home.

She didn’t mention it till we were heading back. Accordingly, we tried to find it; but we saw nothing. 

The Wolf

As we returned to the house, Mari kept seeing the wolf in her mind.

I decided to look for it, by using my Mind’s Eye.  I tend to get impressions of images and what they may be.  I never put much stock into how real it was until I had others, including Omen, see the same images. 

I saw what appeared to be a giant wolf, which I knew to be Fenrir.  Fenrir was a wolf in Norse mythology. 

With Fenrir, I saw a figure in silhouette. His head looked like it had horns on them, so I considered that it may be some kind of demon lord.


Ecclasia, has the ability of bilocation; being two places at the same time, whether Astral, 3D dimension, or both.  She went to take a look and told us that the being was Mars.

This was the first time I had encountered this god in my timeline.  I was wondering what was going on. The odd thing was that I felt I should know who Mars was.

It felt like he was a version of the Egyptian, Horus the Elder, who was known to be a Phoenix. I still am not sure.

I looked into Ecclasia’s eyes and saw that her Soul was no longer fully present. Whatever was there, it was not her. There was a look of scrutiny and cunning.  It was aimed at me. That truly unnerved me.  Not only was I extremely uncomfortable; I really hate it when bodies are taken over by another being, partially or otherwise.

Partial Possession

Ecclasia began to act as a Channel Medium. Part of her was still there; moreover, she told me part of her Soul was being held hostage by Mars.  I offered to restore her, but Ecclasia declined.  She wanted to see what would happen.

(This became a running joke, where they would say: What’s the worst that could happen? And then everything would go to Hell.)

At that moment, I noted that the door frames in the house were slightly shimmering.  Most times, this is indicative of a Portal. I suspected that something had put a portal around them. Passing through such things can take you to different timelines.

I can say, I was not too thrilled with this possibility.  In retrospect, I’m not sure what effect they had, if any.  However, I noted a few timeline changes afterwards.

Once again, using my Mind’s Eye, I projected myself to Fenrir’s location.

Gary:     What are you doing here?

Fenrir:     I was summoned by Mars to hunt down Mari and her Dragon Guide.

Gary:     Well, unsummon yourself.

It sounded like a ridiculous thing to say.  However, I felt I had some kind of deal with Fenrir; I just wasn’t sure what it was at that exact moment.

The Language Barrier

I asked Ecclasia if I could talk to Mars.  She said only if it was in the language of the gods.  He refused to speak to me in any other language.

This was a problem because I can’t say that I remembered any such language.  I told Mars if he wanted to speak to me, he would have to do it in English.

By this time, we had moved to another room.  Both Mari and Ecclasia were sitting on a mattress.  I was sitting at the front of the mattress with my back to them.   I felt Ecclasia’s hand touch my back; then she started to channel Mars.  Mari also touched me in order to assist the communication.

He began speaking to me through Ecclasia.  I can’t recall the entire conversation, but below is what I am able to remember.

Mars was quite angry with me.

Mars:      You are stupid.

Gary:      Why?

Mars:      For being a human.  It makes you weak.

Gary:      I’m stronger than I was before. Take a look.

Mars:     You were stupid to forget everything.

Gary:      I am remembering it now.

Mars:     No, you’re not. You betrayed us all. You were one of us. Everyone is trapped here because of you.

Gary:     They can leave any time they want.

Mars:     The Dragon can’t.  Has she not told you? Tell him.  [there was only silence]  You made her weak. She was not yours to take.

Gary:     And she was not yours to take and do experiments on.

Mars:      I’m a god, I can do what I want.

Gary:     Yes, you can, but you will face the consequences of your actions.  [I then had a sense he was about to try and attack me. If Mars was connected to Horus, then that meant he was a Phoenix and had Phoenix abilities.]  If you’re thinking of using the Phoenix Energy to attack me, it won’t work. That source has been cut off.


But there was only silence.  I felt a hand slip down my back and fall away.  I knew Mars had left.  I waited for around maybe a minute to see if anything else would happen.  I turned around and found both Ecclasia and Mari sitting upright, but their souls were clearly absent.  I knew immediately Mars had taken them.

This seemed to be a recurring theme and I would often have to call someone back.

I focused on Ecclasia and said:    Come back. Come back now.

I snapped my fingers.  Ecclasia opened her eyes.

She said:  What the fuck… My arm is on fire…

I then focused on Mari.  I did the same thing, and Ecclasia helped.  Mari returned soon after and was in tears. Ecclasia was still complaining about her arm, so I removed the energy, which I strongly suspected was indeed Phoenix Energy. Mars had clearly tried to attack me, but it had backfired.

What Happened

[Notes from Ecclasia]: It felt like I had been struck by lightning. To my surprise, I had felt that fire in my hand which is why I let go of Gary’s back. The pain ran up my arm till it hit my chest and completely drained all my energy.  It had taken its toll on me. When it was all said and done, I was really sick and hurting.  So, Mari gave me her hand and said to take what I needed for energy.  I had completely drained her, however, and she got dizzy.

The story Ecclasia and Mari told me was that they had been taken by Mars. He was holding both of them, including the Dragon, in his massive hands. They were all looking at each other. Mari said it was the strangest thing.

I then contacted Fenrir again and told him he was free from any obligation to Mars. Fenrir could now hunt Mars down instead; which he gleefully did.  Using my Mind’s Eye, I saw the god fleeing from Fenrir.

[Notes from Ecclasia]: After all was said and done, Mars had played his card and I was not going to sit back and just let him abuse his station. Gary, however, did not want us to go after Mars.  So, I had to let it go. 

I don’t scare, but as far as incidences go, this one was chilling.

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