48 – Lilian, The Spirit Baby

Picture by: Stefan Keller 

Reality Check

At times, I wonder just how real any of this stuff is. Can so many people seeing the same thing independently still be a coincidence?

I ask myself these questions from time to time, because I never want to succumb to delusions of grandeur.  I need to do the odd reality check, even though you could argue that this is hardly what anyone would call reality.

But it doesn’t matter if I ignore it or not.  Too many others will find me and shatter that illusion.

This is especially true for all the names that have come up in my life. Many of them are major mythological figures.

To my mind, the mention of such names is like name dropping. Yet here we are.


As mentioned, Lilith keeps on coming up. I believe I’ve met several of her Avatars, none of them particularly nice.

And in one case involving her, there was something that disturbed me greatly.

In 2010, I met someone who became my partner and friend for seven years until we both felt it was time for us to go our separate ways. Her name was Dori.  She was an amazing person and still is, but life takes us in different directions.

Soon after we met, she was contacted by a spirit who claimed she wanted to be born to both her and me. This spirit called herself Lilian. And while she spoke to my partner, I never heard her. The reason I was given was that I wasn’t ready to hear.

Personally, I call bullshit on that reason. I believe she avoided me because I would have been able to identify her energies.

Incarnated Dakini

Now I had come across this before with my ex-wife back in the year 2000. Only we both felt it was a boy spirit. 

I was suspicious of not being able to sense Lilian, but Dori was quite adamant that this was something that needed to happen for me to move up to my next level.

Dori was an incarnated Dakini, who were the high-level Angels who had agreed to be my Guides in exchange for my Phoenix Energy.  I understood that this baby was meant to be conceived with both Phoenix and Dakini energy. My partner knew and understood this, too.

She told me that Lilian was an ancient spirit who was ready to move to the next level of evolution and wanted to be born to us, so we could help guide and teach her how to use her powers. 

While this made a logical sense, it just didn’t scan for me.

Still, I had agreements to fulfil, and I always fulfil my agreements.


One thing about Dori was that she was an amazing planner. She had the dates and times down to the minute as to when we should conceive and in 2012 we tried.  The first time ended up in a quick miscarriage.

Then twice more she conceived, and twice, at six weeks, she miscarried. While it was upsetting for us both, I also felt a strange sense of relief; like I had dodged a bullet. From the beginning, I felt a sense of anxiety about the whole thing. After the second time, we stopped trying because the timing was wrong, and I felt that whatever brought us together for this was starting to fade.


At the end of 2015, I moved to the USA with Dori, for a time.  Mari (who was the avatar of Seth), happened to arrive at the same time to visit her family.

In January 2016, Mari’s father died, and her husband came down for the funeral. He was an unassuming man who had way more to him than met the eye. His perceptions, knowledge, and insights often blew me away.

After the funeral, the three of us went out for dinner and as we were talking about things, he would make these deep and insightful comments, almost as though he was channeling.

I mentioned the miscarriages, and that the spirit’s name was Lilian.


He said: You know that was Lilith. She gave the energy and took it back“. Apparently, he meant that my Phoenix energy and Dori’s Dakini energy, was taken by Lilith.

It seemed that Dori had allowed Lilian to add her own energy during conception. She used that to gather up our energy and take it for herself.

“Well, I’ll just take it back,” I said.

He told me, though, that this energy had already been used by her.

Mari had been under a massive psychic attack the previous year.  It was so strong that I didn’t think she would survive it as they tried to rip layers from her soul. Fortunately, she was strong enough to withstand it.

I have no doubt the stolen energy was used to do that.

Mari’s husband wasn’t someone who had been involved with any of the things I did. I believe he did channel that information.


I had long wondered if Lilian was indeed Lilith, but I kept that thought to myself. He confirmed it.

I mentioned this to Dori, who, frustratingly, dismissed this out of hand, saying that this was just a distraction to what I should be doing.

While there was truth in that, it didn’t change the fact that Lilith was involved and, once again, messing with my life.

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