39 – The Phoenix Archives

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez

Information Sources

In this entry I am going to discuss where I get my information or, more generally, the Dimensional Archives. An example of a dimensional archive would be the Akashic Records.  However, following are events that eventually led to the title of this blog:   The Phoenix Archives.

I know some dismiss me as having an active imagination, and others have flat out said I’m lying (however, those are a small minority); I will explain what I can.

There is often a misconception that Omen was my main source of information. While it is true, he certainly revealed a lot, he was by no means my sole source. (An assumption I find both insulting and irritating.)

Much information was stored in that soul fragment of The Buddha, that Omen transferred to me.

I noted just how much more I knew, and how easily answers came, after I reintegrated that part of me.

The Phoenix Archives

There are other sources, though. One being dimensional archives. An example of a dimensional archive would be the Akashic Records. They are said to contain all the records of what has occurred. I rarely have used them, though. Something about them I don’t like, or trust.

The one I do use is called “The Phoenix Archives”.

Yes, the title of this blog. It is not a reference to me, (at least not directly) but to the actual hall of records of that name.

I did not remember they even existed until 2009.  A friend, called Sophie, mentioned them to me.

Sophie is an interesting person. She claims to be half-Phoenix/half-Vampire. She also claims to be an Avatar of the goddess Sophia. 

Sophia is a Phoenix and she also worked with the god Apep. For those who have read my autobiography “I am The Phoenix”: Yes, she was the spirit known as Shannue.


Sophie has a few spirits, who she considers friends, around her.  One is called Launa. Launa is a sex-obsessed spirit that was a mix of Vampire (but more likely succubus) and Fae.

The moment Sophie mentioned the Phoenix Archives, I thought to myself:   “Well, I’m supposed to be the source, so I should go look at them.”

I mentioned this to Sophie, and she said that Launa wanted to come along with me.  I shrugged and said, “Sure, why not?”

I quickly found the Archives in the Astral Levels.  I entered it and Launa followed. There were Guards there who said: You brought a vampire along with you?

I said: “She’s fine,” and they allowed her in.  I did some research and fell asleep.

I should note that the Guards did not seem at all surprised to see me, nor did they question or stop me. They clearly knew who I was.

Erased From Existence.

The next day, Sophie contacted me and asked how it went, and then mentioned that she had not felt Launa around since the night before. When I checked, it appeared that she was still in the archives pouring over records of herself.

When Launa eventually returned, Sophie let me know.  Sophie said that Launa had found out her real name and was able to free herself from the shackles that had bound her.

It wasn’t until Sophie mentioned this to Nicole, (the spirit that had berated me for allowing genocide to occur in Atlantis), that I knew this was not just a random fantasy.

Nicole, in response, “freaked” out.  She said that if Launa found out who she was, it would be dangerous.  Launa could erase herself out of existence.

Nicole and her friends did not want me looking into anything to do with Launa.  This was enough for me to take everything more seriously.

To this day, I still don’t know what the drama was all about and why there was such a strong reaction.

I don’t even know if it was even likely that Launa could have been erased in that way.

Of course, if such a thing was indeed possible, we wouldn’t know, because no one would remember such a thing even occurred. 


Even though I downloaded data during my visit to The Phoenix Archives, I didn’t really do much with the information. At least not for a while.

As I started to come into my own, I began to realize that they were my own personal archives. They were independent and had no connection to any similar ones, such as The Akashic Records.

I started to also realize that I could download information from there; for not only myself, but other people, too.

I discovered this when I downloaded spells and rituals for Omen. I did this to help ensure my own safety from his energies. To my amazement, not only did he say he received them, but the results I saw, matched his descriptions of what happened, when he did them.

Shifting Archives

In 2015, I mentioned them to someone named Nina, who I was trying to work with at the time. She not only knew them but complained on how they were just way too much trouble to locate.

I checked into this and found that its location was always moving.  I was just able to always go there, because they were mine, and I was attuned to them.

Also, if you could find them and had access; you would have to wait for a certain amount of time outside before you were allowed to enter. (Something I temporarily disabled to help expedite things we were working on, at the time.)

The Phoenix Archives is said to be one of the safest places to store artifacts and information that you don’t want others getting their hands on.

It’s very expansive, has top secret areas, and very easy to get lost in and not find your way out.

Nowadays, when I need to find out something or someone needs information long lost to them, I can download what is needed and pass it on. 

It takes a few days for the mind to attune to the data, but once it does, you get a lot of useful and interesting information.

Projecting To the Archives

In late 2016, I took Ecclasia along with me and Mari to do some research.  (I plan to include some of Ecclasia’s writings soon, but she is one of the three I know, who was bound to bodies for many thousands of years.)

When we arrived, she looked around and remarked that she wished she had a few thousand years to soak up all the information there.

She then looked up the records on all three of us and confirmed a lot of things I had been suspecting. Especially the names of my previous identities.

The process was exhausting. Because of that, we don’t visit much.

Having an archive is useful.  However, it still goes through my “human” filter, which tends to block a lot of information. 

If it doesn’t make sense to me, my filter will modify it into a form that I can more readily accept. Those often used to take the form of allegory type stories.

What tends to happen, though, is that when I need to know something, I will start to get the pieces I need from various other sources long before I need to understand why.  It’s a good thing us Phoenii have patience because this can take decades!

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