106 – Attunement Tips – Part 2

More Tips on How to Attune

This is Part 2 of general tips for those who wish to Ascend and for attune to a higher level of this reality. In this entry, we will discuss free things, being honest, love versus anger and soul contracts

No One Owes You

Appreciate free stuff.

No one owes you anything and you are not entitled to something you did not work for or earn.

It always amazes me how people take ownership for something that is free or freely given and become angry and offended when they don’t get their own way.

Don’t be self-entitled. If you aren’t getting what you want immediately, then learn patience.

If someone does something nice for you and doesn’t expect anything in return, don’t abuse them or put them down because it’s not exactly how you think it should be. Also, don’t expect them to keep on giving.

Personally, what I give, I give, and it’s unconditional. But if you are asking, then you may have to compensate me for my time.


Be honest (but also be tactful).

In general, you should aspire to be honest about who you are and what you do and have done. Most will respect you for doing that. If you are caught in a lie, you will lose all credibility. Also, those who resonate with who you are will find you and want to be around you.

Honesty is something we should strive for, though we should be careful how we say things.

Coming from a place of Truth can really help one attune. Others may not like what they hear, but at least you’re being you.

I used to have no filters and would just blurt out what I saw and felt. It annoyed and upset a lot of people. Eventually, I learned to share my truth in a more gentle way.

Relationships are harder to be honest in because the truth can cause a lot of drama. In every relationship I have been in, I have always been completely honest and had no filters.

But when words get twisted or they don’t like what they are hearing, you may feel obliged to start telling your partner what they want to hear. You might do this to avoid fights or misunderstandings.

When it gets to that stage, it’s time to move on. Well, at least it is for me. I cannot live like that.

Supporting Energy

Send love, not anger.

Send love and supporting energy and prayers to those who need it. Yes, they may have hurt you. They may have even destroyed your life, but anger, hate, fear and a desire to see them pay will not fix things. At least, not in the way you might think.

You can’t put out a fire by throwing more fuel on it. You need to come from a different energy.

Love helps you to attune to a higher level. The more you do it, the more it becomes part of who you are.

It’s Okay

Don’t tear down others. Work to lift them up instead.

I’m also not saying, don’t get angry. It’s okay to be mad or feel betrayed. Those are your feelings and they are valid. What I am suggesting is how you decide to respond to things.

It’s an irony of life that anger will really only hurt you. Those you are angry with will generally not care, or even notice.

There are ways of dealing with hurt and anger. (Bach Flower Remedies can be amazing for that. They are great for helping one to attune to energies.)

The point here is, if you are ever going to heal things, then a supportive, loving energy and intent to heal will be more productive to all concerned.

Even if the target might not be receptive to what you are doing, or may wish to be stuck in their own negative drama, it will help you to move on and attune to a higher level of reality.


Avoid Soul Contracts.

A Soul Contract is an Agreement made with someone or something else on a Soul Level.

You would be surprised how many pledge their Soul or Soul’s service for a shot at the big time. I’ve seen many people make deals with demonics to be successful, and successful they become.

But remember, you don’t have a Soul. You are a Soul. You are literally bargaining your aspect of The Source away.

Don’t forget, you are immortal. The deal you make might well last lifetimes or what might feel like an eternity. That is, assuming you are not absorbed by a demonic for sustenance. Yes, this really does happen, and it’s known as the Soul Trade.

Also, demons are masters at what is called Doublespeak. They will say one thing, but it means another. It’s a way of lying.

Simple example. They say, I will give you this, and all I want is your soul for a day.

You may think: Well, it’s only a day. How bad could it be? But unless you specify where the day is, or what they consider a day, then it might be a place that has no night or time for that matter.

In any case, when it comes to attunement, you are stating that you need the help of other beings and giving your power away.

You Have That Power

The point is, you don’t need to make a deal. You already have the power to manifest whatever you want. That’s what Free Will is. It might take more work, but you do have that power. You just need to attune to those energies.

How contracts are made may differ from person-to-person. It might be an Agreement in your thoughts. A promise to a deity to exchange something for things in return. It could be online, with someone you know or may meet randomly. Though nothing is ever random.

There are even people who act as Brokers. You pay them to forge a deal with a demon or god (or what have you). But what people don’t understand is that while you are paying this broker, you are not paying the one who is going to do the service for you.

Hence payment will come due.

Just don’t do it.

Don’t bargain away your Soul for some frivolous or short-term gain. You will most likely end up having to start all over again.

Next: Attunement – General tips (Part 3 /3)

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3 years ago

I like this very much. Both points in this are new to me, yet not simple… “you are stating that you need the help of other beings and giving your power away.”

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